Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Day in the Life

I thought I would go back and see when the last time I wrote one of these "Day in the Life" posts and would you believe it was last November? Well, it's high time we did this again.

1. Outside my window . . . I'm at the office typing this so I'm not absolutely sure what the weather is like outside right now but when I came awhile ago it was overcast and my iphone weather app says is 69 degrees. Loverly to me.

Oh, speaking of the iphone, guess who walked right into that AT&T store and ordered herself a brand new iphone 4S. I've been due for an upgrade since February but the new iphone rumors had been swirling and I thought I might wait for the new iphone 5. Well, when that got the no-go, I just decided to get the new 4S. When I ordered it a week ago, they said it would be delivered to the house in 14 to 21 days. E on the other hand, ordered on line, and hers should arrive tomorrow. Go figure. Doggone if I'd known that I would have just saved myself the time and gas and stayed home and ordered on the world wide web. But I told her last night that I'm really kinda glad that she is getting hers before I am because that way she'll know how to work it by the time I get mine. Really helps this old woman's learning curve when your precious daughter can just tell you how to work stuff.

2. I am reading . . . a bunch of different things. Two new books that I just ordered for my Kindle are Max Lucado's "God's Story, Your Story" and "Untangling Christmas." My sweet sis-in-law sent me an email to tell me that Max's book was free (as in costs 0) on Amazon for 24 hours. Well, because I love Max Lucado and I love free, I quickly got this downloaded. Just started reading it and it's great so far. I haven't started "Untangling Christmas" so I'll have to let you know. Our couples Bible study group (and our whole church) is reading "If God is Good" by Randy Alcorn. Great day, this one can quickly go deep and be way over my head. But it definitely gives me pause to think about some subjects I've never thought about before and that's always good. And of course, my chronological Bible. Looks like I might be about two weeks after the end of year finishing this but that's okay. I need to give myself permission and be okay to read the Bible through in one year and two weeks.

3. I am watching . . . well, you know we discussed tv a few days back and I was just super excited about the return of the sit-com for television, i.e. no more reality shows. I've checked out a few of these sit-coms and have been disappointed. It seems there is a central theme of sex in most of them that frankly is inappropriate and offensive. One that I do like although it's not a sit-com is Charlies Angels. On a purely girly level, I love these girls clothes, shoes and hair styles. That may be the best part although the plots have been decent. Oh and because I believe in full disclosure, I have been sneaking a peek at Dancing with the Stars. Yes, I know, I vowed not to watch but J.R. Martinez just won my heart. And last night was the best results show ever because Blake Shelton was on there singing the "Footloose" song from the new movie by the same name. And just guess who was back on the dance floor cuttin a rug? Yes that would be our girl Julianne. She's also the lead female in the new "Footloose" movie. Which leads me to my next point.

4. Movies I want to see . . . obviously the new "Footloose." I have watched all the trailers, been on the website, and read the background about this movie. First of all, "Footloose" was one of my favorites back in the day. Love Kenny Loggins and Kevin Bacon. So as soon as I heard this movie was about to cut loose (sorry), I had to know all about it. And did you know that the whole movie was filmed in Georgia - Atlanta, Covington, Senoia and Acworth. To me, this is the best dance movie of all time. I know I know, Dirty Dancing and Momma Mia were good too.
Second, I've been wanting to see "Courageous." Everyone says it's awesome.

5. What I'm wearing . . . to be honest, I'm a little overdressed for the office today. I'm wearing a black jacket, black tank and black pants. Wow - that couldn't be more boring could it? Well, I did add some pizzazz with jewelry. D and I are going to that event in Atlanta tonight and I have no idea what the dress code is so I'm playing it safe with this ensemble.
I'm cracking up reading what I wrote in that last Day in the Life post from last November. I wrote in this section about my love for boots, particular the bootie. Well, some things never change. What is it about boots/booties that I love so much? I've got to tell you a little secret. I've been wanting a leopard print pair of booties for well over a year. I've searched the stores and the internet with no avail. Well . . . yesterday I was reading a fashion blog (imagine that) and she mentioned something about some Aeorsole riding boots. They were really cute so I followed the link to these boots and low and behold sitting right next to these riding boots were, you guessed it, leopard print booties and they're Aeorsoles. So that means they're comfy too, right? I ordered those in a big hurry and they should be at my front door in a few days. What if they come the same day as my iphone? That truly will be too much to take.

6. What I'm listening to . . . you probably aren't going to believe this and think you're reading somebody elses blog but I am listening to more and more talk radio. Now, I don't get too political around here but I am super interested in this upcoming election and super intrigued by Herman Cain and his 9-9-9 plan for America. So, go figure. But you know there is only so much of that a girl can take so I plug in Luke Bryan's new CD "Tailgates and Tan Lines." It's really good but I'm a country music nerd.

7. What I'm thinking about . . . that's a loaded topic. There's so much going on around this pea brain that some days I think it might explode. But besides the obvious upcoming weddings and assorted business ventures, when my thoughts go deep, I'm pondering one of our memory verses for our study at church. Boy oh boy this spoke volumes to me.

"God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. " 2 Corinthians 5:21

God made Jesus for the purpose of taking on our sin. That's right - my sin and your sin. He took it all. Paid the price. Secured the debt. For us.
So that we might become the righteousness of God. So that we can become through His goodness, in relationship with Him. Honestly, the words righteous and righteousness have always thrown me just a little bit. It kinda sounds unattainable. So this is what I'm thinking about. How do I become the righteousness of God? Because if I'm reading this verse correctly, that's why Christ died for us. See - told ya this was a lot to think about. I want to understand this because it sounds pretty important if you ask me.

And that, my friends, is a day in this life.

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