Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm Walking on Sunshine

Woo Hoo! Now let me just tell you that this turned out to be one fine weekend! I’ll just give it to you this way - the Top Ten Reasons this was a fabulous weekend.

1. That most handsome son of ours surprised us with a visit! The reason he came? He didn’t want to miss being with his dad on his birthday. Oh, you just don’t know. Parenting is a tough road to travel sometimes and about the time you think you might have done all of the wrong things, messed them up so bad that one day they’ll be on Jerry Springer throwing a chair at you, they go and do something like this. I think I might have seen a tear in my husband’s eye. My heart sang.
2. My family of five sat together in our worship service yesterday morning. All of us on the same pew, singing, praying, and worshipping together. This hasn’t happened since I don’t know when. We actually were a family of six as Garrett brought home a precious young lady who we enjoyed so much.
3. My dear husband celebrated his 52nd birthday yesterday! While I am tempted to go into the total injustice of why men only get better looking with age, I’ll just suffice it to say that he does. Year after year, when I look at that face I see the most handsome man ever. I see a man who works hard at children, marriage and business. A man who continues to make me laugh like crazy. A man who I love so much.
4. His Bowling Birthday Party! Now, this was a hoot and a half! E and I had decided early in the week that we would do something different for D’s birthday, something we don’t do often. So bowling it was. I even ordered D a bowling shirt, which he wore proudly. Well, he wore it. I’m not sure proudly.
It was girls against guys – me, D’s mom, my girl, and G’s girl . . . against . . . D, D’s dad, my boy and my girl’s hubby. And who do you think won? . . . by a point . . . oh yes, the girls! Only because D’s mom played like a professional. Who knew??? This woman had four strikes! E gave her an application for the bowling league as we left.
5. I just couldn’t decide which one of these was better so the next two are a tie. (this doggone computer won’t let me number them the same but in my mind, these two were created equal). One reason they have to tie is because they happened simultaneously. Okay, first of all – we saw Sugarland in concert Saturday night at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre in Atlanta!! Get this – we were on Row F. Now if my fingers aren’t failing me that means were six rows back from the stage! Oh, have mercy. Many thanks to Jennifer and Kristian (sounds like I know them personally – I don’t) for rocking it out and putting on a fabulous show! I danced like nobody was watching!!
6. Georgia won . . . by a field goal . . . with two seconds left on the clock! Now I’ve just got to tell you this story. This is absolutely the funniest thing. During the entire Sugarland concert D is watching his iphone. He has this app downloaded on it that allows play by play action from ESPN about the Georgia game. It even shows a football field with each team’s field position. It’s the fourth quarter, the score is tied 17-17 and time is running out. D is clearly conflicted as to whether he should watch his phone or the gorgeous Jennifer singing and dancing on that stage! So at this point in the concert they have come back for their encore and if you can imagine the timing, this is the finale – the very last song. At the exact same second the band strikes the first note of “I’m Walking on Sunshine,” Georgia kicks that field goal! I looked over at Darrell and he was dancing like a white man! “High fiving” everyone in sight! Keep in mind this is a man that has stood almost statuesque the entire concert with maybe a foot tapping now and then! But now – he is going crazy! The people around us must have thought that the song held a very special meaning for him! Honestly . . . I thought my water would break!
7. I had Vidalia onion rings from the Varsity. Oh yes I did.
8. The weather yesterday was perfection. After many days of rain and flooding, we saw the sun shine. And shine it did against the most beautiful blue sky you have ever seen.
9. We sang “Oh Great Thou Art” and “Amazing Grace” – both of them in worship yesterday.
10. I was with my family all weekend. Even my precious 84 year old mother went bowling with us yesterday. She didn’t throw a ball but she cheered as everyone else did.

And, that my friends, in my little world is a great weekend!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Give Me Back My America

Last night I had the great pleasure of attending an outdoor concert where a local, successful songwriter’s life was remembered. All proceeds from admission go to charities in our community. As I sat at this concert, I began to cry. Why? I was totally overwhelmed at my surroundings. A beautiful, star lit sky. A cool breeze in the air. My husband sitting beside me. My daughter and son in law behind us. A gorgeous moon lit church in the background. A beautiful antebellum building beside it. Beautiful music. Friends. Freedom.

Now I’m not a very political person. The whole thing is just extremely frustrating to me. But I am a patriotic person. I love this country! I am fully aware of the blessings that abound in this place we call America. Yes, we have our problems and some of them are major ones, but there are a lot of things good and right about it. Just a few I am thankful for: freedom of worship, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of petition. These are listed in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.
My dad was in World War II. He never wanted to talk about it so I really don’t know much about what he witnessed while serving. But I do know this: every single time he saw the American flag, he put his hand over his heart. Every single time he saw a man in uniform, he saluted. Every single time he heard the Star Spangled Banner, he stood, silent, until it ended. And, every single time, at the mention of a man losing his life in war, he bowed his head, either praying or just respectfully reflecting on the great sacrifice this soldier had made for our country.

Partly because of this lesson learned from observation, I am easily overwhelmed and tearful at the mention of our soldiers, the burdens their families carry and often times, the lack of respect I believe they are given. How can we as Americans, who have been given so much, forget the sacrifice men and women have made through the years so we can continue those above listed freedoms? How can we be so prideful as to forget those who humbled themselves and fought so generations can enjoy freedom? Do we not realize what we have been given? I just don’t understand how anyone can continually degrade this country, our rich heritage, and the Christian principles on which this country was founded. On April 6 while in Turkey our President declared that one of the great strengths of the U.S. is that we are not a Christian nation. Excuse me? The reason this country is so strong is because of those who founded our country sought the guidance of our great God. It is evidenced in their writings. Read for yourself the first two sentences of the Declaration of Independence Because of that, God has had His Mighty Hand on this country for centuries. There are those who are asking Him to remove it. I personally am begging Him not to.

Last night one of the featured performers was singer/songwriter John Berry. John has endeared himself to me by his love of country and God through his music. He sang a song that earned him a standing ovation. I’ve copied the words below. You might want to take a minute, read these lyrics, and maybe say a prayer for those men and women and their families who have sacrificed, and continue to sacrifice, so we may have freedom. And, while you’re at it, pray for our America.

Words & Music By
John Berry

Sittin' Watchin' the news today
People Tryin' to make their way
Through a time that's hard to understand

There are those that pull their weight
They work hard and get home late
Just in time to get their kids to bed

You know us workin' folks
We're strong and we're tough
And sooner or later enough is enough

I want to work with my hands down at the mill
Plowin' a field or forgin' the steel
Without interference from Capitol Hill
Give Me Back My America

I don't know what I can do
The government's makin' up all new rules
This is change that I don't believe in

Cause there are those that plot and scheme
They think they have the right to change
Everything this country's founded on

I think it's obvious they've broken our trust
We need to remind them that they work for us

I want to raise my family on my piece of land
Start my own business, do the best that I can
Without interference from government plans

Give Me Back My America

I want to worship my God like my father did
Give to His church what I know is His
Without interference from Capitol Hill

Give Me Back My America

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

All I Wanted was Lipstick

I just returned from the mall area where I made a stop at the mega-cosmetic-superstore. Now this was sensory overload. I went with one thing in mind – a great red lipstick. You know how I feel about red. And every girl worth her weight in cosmetics needs a great lipstick. Do you have any idea how many lipsticks, red or otherwise, were in this store? There were at least a 1000 if there was one. I thought my head would explode. I finally asked for help - HELP! The cutest little 20 something picked out four or five choices and we went to the counter for me to sit and for her to slather on the products.
I had the following options – lipstick out of the traditional tube, one out of a squirt tube, one with a wand, and one with a stick. I’m sure these all have fancy names but what I really wanted was a great red lipstick – the old fashion way. Is it too much to ask? Well, she started coloring – except she didn’t stay within the lines. Her teacher must have told her she didn’t have to. She painted me on some lips that were twice the size of my own. Honestly, I looked in the mirror and laughed out loud. Oops, she said. I guess you don’t want lips that big? No, not today, I said. But big, luxurious lips are in, she said. Not on this face. I think you have to possess the lips to own that look, I said. Okay, well, let’s work with what you have then, she said. Yes indeed, let’s work with what I have.

Finally, my choice was made - “Revolution” by Urban Decay. Urban Decay Cosmetics tag line - “beauty with an edge.” I don’t think I am cool enough for this line of products. Get this – the lipstick tube has a dagger in the end of it. What? It is definitely settled. I’m officially not cool enough for this. This is what it says on the side of the lipstick box “armored by a menacing dagger, it’s a weapon of love. It’s lipstick with an urban twist, leaving no evidence behind, his collar should be so lucky.” It’s lipstick for crying out loud!! But with that in mind, I’m going to go put on my “weapon of love” and wait for my husband to get home. Maybe his collar won’t be the only thing that’s lucky!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My First Photo!

Wonderful Events & Celebrations at the "A Day in the Mountains Bridal Event." It was held Sunday at the R Ranch in Dahlonega!

Are We the Biggest Losers?

Did you see the premier of the new season last Tuesday night? I really don’t watch much television. Okay, let me rephrase that, I don’t watch many shows that aren’t on The Food Network or HGTV. But, Biggest Loser is one of my “can’t miss” shows. And this one did not disappoint. Lots of drama and excitement. First of all, let me just say, that I would like this show even more if Jillian would please not feel the need to use extremely bad language in the face of every contestant when they are trying their best to walk the last 30 seconds on the treadmill or climb the dreaded ladder. I know, she gets results but the constant bleeping gets really annoying after awhile. And I feel so bad for whoever she chooses to yell at that day. At least, they are trying, okay!
Anyway, 16 contestants, including Daniel from last season. He came back because this season is called the “season of second chances.” He has already lost 142 pounds. Amazing! My other favorites: Coach Mo and Abby. Oh my goodness. I was sobbing after hearing Abby’s story. She is a 35 year old teacher from Texas. In 2006, she lost her husband, 5 year old daughter and 2 ½ week old son in a fatal car crash. I thought my heart would break into pieces.
The Biggest Loser made me think - about a lot of things. First, that I should probably go get on the treadmill myself. Second, about how eating fills an emotional void and how intertwined and complicated that can be. And about losers. Now we all know that the term “loser” has a negative meaning in our society. Big “L” on the forehead – you get the picture. The dictionary says: Loser – a person that suffers loss. Loss: the state of being without something one has had. So consider what Paul said in Philippians 3:7-9: “But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish that I may gain Christ and be found in him.” Whatever Paul had considered profit – maybe his credentials, power or successes, he now considered it loss (“rubbish”) for the sake of Christ, of knowing Him and having a personal relationship with Him.

Made me think. What is my “profit?” and am I willing to give it all up to gain Christ? To make a sacrifice so that I may know the “surpassing greatness of knowing Christ?” I have to lose to gain? Yes, I have to lose myself, my selfish, prideful, sinful self to gain the greatest gift ever given. A personal relationship with God Himself who loves me, forgives me, redeems me, restores me and who died a horrible death and was then resurrected so that I can have eternal life.
Am I willing to “lose” for Christ? I am.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Great Weekend and . . . It's Bible Study Day!

What a great weekend! The past three days have each held something meaningful and fun. Friday was the shopping trip to the Hearts and Hands Emporium. It was great! There seemed to be a great response so hopefully lots of money was raised for a good cause. I got the cutest rain coat. I haven’t had a need for a rain coat for the past several years as we have hardly seen enough rain to fill a bucket. But since it has rained cats and dogs for the past week and the forecast is for more, I thought I could justify it. Oooh, is it ever cute – polka dots! And I do love me some polka dots! Then Friday night was a much anticipated high school game between two rival schools. I sat with my girl, her hubby and his parents. His mom and I talked so much that we were suddenly surprised to learn that one team was winning by a landslide. D was allowed to stay on the field to watch the game from the sidelines so he came home feeling like a rock star!

Saturday flew by as I was on retreat up in the mountains. So meaningful but I will share more about that another day. And, of course, that day was topped off with a big cherry when Georgia beat Arkansas. Now, that was a great game. Joe Cox seems to be getting the hang of that whole quarterback thing. And yesterday, well that was Bridal Show day. Just a side note: my husband went to the Falcon’s game yesterday. So for him three days = three football games. High school on Friday; college on Saturday (via ESPN); and professional on Sunday. It was a good football weekend for him. Anyway, back to my Sunday. As Emily and I were driving those winding roads in the pouring rain, she said, “Mom, if I were a bride-to-be today, even I wouldn’t come out in this weather.” I was thinking the same thing. This was the absolute perfect day for staying home, putting on your sweats and taking a long Sunday afternoon nap - the perfect day. But sure enough, here they came, pouring rain and all. The R Ranch is a beautiful facility tucked high, and I mean high, in the mountains. The clouds were lying on the tops of these mountains. Just gorgeous! We met the sweetest girls (and guys). I’m always impressed when the future groom comes along. You know you’ve got you a good one when they are interested in flowers, cake, dresses and planners. I think they like the caterers the best but that’s okay. Whew, what a weekend!

Today – yeah! It’s Bible study day! For the past several years, I have been blessed to facilitate a Bible study in my home on Monday evenings. We usually do a fall study and a spring study depending on how the schedule works out. We are getting a late start this time for various reasons. Over the summer we met together to watch Beth Moore’s series “Wising Up” based on the book of Proverbs. So good! The topics are so relevant to our lives with lots of practical application. And a great study for the summer as there is no homework required.
Tonight is the beginning of our fall study, “A Woman after God’s Own Heart” by Elizabeth George. The title references David – “a man after God’s own heart.” (1 Samuel 13:14). David was that and more. He was a shepherd, poet, giant-killer, ancestor of Jesus and one of the greatest men in the Old Testament. Before you think that you can’t achieve that kind of status, I challenge you to read up a little on David. His story is told in 1 Samuel 16 – 1 Kings 2. As you may know, he was also a betrayer, liar, adulterer and murderer. Yet, in Acts 13:22 the Word says, “After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.” Wouldn’t we just love to hear those words spoken about us from our Savior?
You know I love a fresh start so I am super excited about tonight! We’ll watch the introduction and have some great discussion. We’ll gather around the table for food and fellowship at the beginning and then end our evening by joining our hearts and hands around the ottoman in my living room for prayer. It’s a good day indeed.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Where I'll Be This Weekend!

Never one to miss a shopportunity, on Friday I’ll be over at the:

Heart & Hands Emporium
Benefitting The North House
First Baptist Church Banquet Hall, Gainesville
Friday, September 18: 10 -7
Saturday, September 19: 10 – 4
$3 entrance fee
Over 50 Vendors

The Women’s Ministry at First Baptist Church does a fabulous job with this event! I attended it last year and it was great! I am really looking forward to getting a jump start on my Christmas shopping while benefitting a good cause. The North House is a long-term residential recovery home for women in Gainesville.


On Sunday, Emily and I will travel up in the mountains to Dahlonega. Wonderful Events and Celebrations will have a table there while Mary Stanford, our resident floral designer extraordinaire, will be creating bridal bouquets, table arrangements, and other wonderful things on site. We are so excited about this!!!

A Day in the Mountains Bridal Event
At R Ranch
Sunday, September 20th, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Brides and Grooms Free; Guests $2 at the door

This is so cool – there will be “Magnificent Wedding Cake Challenge.” Also a bridal and formal wear fashion show and wine tastings from the North Georgia Wineries.
See you there!

Save the date for Marketplace at the Civic Center, November 6 & 7th. More information to come later about this fabulous shopping experience!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Iron Roses

The Iron Roses – that’s the name we gave ourselves. We wanted Steel Magnolias but that was already taken. Iron Roses - strong, Southern women sharing the sweet fragrance of friendship. Friends for at least 25 years. Sharing all life has given us: laughter, tears, marriages, divorces, births, deaths, medical emergencies, cancer, graduations, weddings, showers, and most of all, love.
Does that seem possible in today’s culture? That the same women can be friends for that long and still actually enjoy one another’s company. That we see each other at least once a week and talk to each other on the phone or email just as often. That we would stomp on someone who would get in our way if the other needed our help. That we love each other’s husbands and children because they do. That we care about everything the other is experiencing – bad and good. That we overlook each other’s warts and choose to see the best of each other. That we know what we know and still love each other deeply. No, this is not a superficial friendship for this group. The roots go very deep. We know how rare it is and we don’t take the blessing of friendship lightly. We cherish this gift God has given us.
Tonight is our monthly meeting to celebrate one of the Rose’s birthdays. Cards and Secret Sister gifts will be exchanged, food will be consumed and laughter will be bountiful. We’ll notice who has a fabulous new haircut, who is wearing cute shoes or killer jewelry. We’ll also notice who looks stressed or down. We’ll ask about everyone’s families and children. We’ll want to know who is going to what sale and when we can get together to go see the new decorator show house. Things girlfriends do. There is nothing that can take the place of a girl’s girlfriends. Nothing.
Today I’m sending out much love and gratitude to this amazing group of women. You accepted and loved me from the moment we met. And I am so thankful you did. I love you all.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It's Fall Ya'll!

Woohoo! Fall is almost here! And fall in North Georgia is the best! I love decorating my house for fall, mixing up the cashews, peanuts and candy corn, going up in the mountains to the apple barns for all sorts of deliciousness, the fall festivals, pumpkins, mums, the colors of the leaves and the most wonderful of all – the cool weather. This will be no surprise to some of you but I am extremely hot natured right now in this season of life, if you know what I’m saying. It is miserable. And it is still 114 degrees in the South. But thankfully, fall is on the way! We have had little glimpses of it with some cool mornings and evenings. Now I probably won’t wear a sweater until after Christmas and may not put a coat on all season but that’s okay. Even with that being said, fall clothes are still my favorite! I made a little run over to my favorite clothing store on the planet this past week with my mom and boy oh boy, that was pleasure. I was there for almost three hours, touched everything, tried on a few things and bought a blouse. Isn’t that the way it goes? If my husband had been there, he would have gone bananas or to Chickfila. That’s why I went when he was out of town. Anyway, something I want but didn’t get was a scarf. Now, I’ve seen my fashionista friends (and I have some friends with some serious fashion sense to be sure) wear these great scarves, tied in all these cool ways but I just can’t pull it off. I need to be tutored in the fine art of scarf buying and tying. So maybe I’ll go back, buy one and take a class. Do they offer classes on such? If not, they should.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Going Deeper

Our pastor can do some fine preaching let me tell you. He is in the book of Galatians, chapter 1. The subject: going deep. The desperate need for the church of Jesus Christ today: for each of us to go deeper with God. So how do we do that? By spending periods of time in solitude, quietness and obscurity with our Savior. Have you done that lately? Have you just gone away with God? no distractions, no phones, email, or tv, - just gone to a quiet place to be with Him. If not, I challenge you to plan it today. Be intentional about it because if you’re not, it won’t happen. Put it on your calendar just like you would any other appointment or meeting you might have. Carve out some time with Him! He will honor it!
Next Saturday I am going to do exactly this. I will be headed up to a quiet place – cows, chickens, and the occasional rooster will be my only distraction – to spend time with God. Just me and Him. I can hardly wait! I know He has something for me. Take a look at your calendar and schedule a meeting with Him today!

Sunday, Sunday - I love that day!

Sundays may be my favorite day of the week . . . for several reasons. First, my husband is with me, all day, doesn’t go to the store – all day. I love it. And he takes me out to eat after church. Now we really don’t eat out much. One of the non-perks about being married to a grocery store man, he likes to eat what he sells. So the anticipation and excitement when pulling out of the church parking lot is almost more than I can bear. Where are we going today? What sounds good? This very important decision has to be made to the mutual approval of both of us. When the kids were at home, we did a rotation. Four of us – four Sundays a month and we went in alphabetical order. The problem came when we had something after church and that child missed their day. Then there was trouble brewing. Life is so not fair! You can just imagine the injustice that child had to endure. But as empty nesters, we just calmly make a decision and go with it! (Side note: most of you know I was not a big fan of the whole empty nest idea but we have become very comfortable with it. It does have some advantages and this is one of them) Today the choice was a good one – Chili’s! The chicken Caesar pita cannot be beat!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Better than the Bulldogs

In the previous post I talked about what a great day today is because of the Bulldogs. But little did I know, it could only get better. My 19 year old son walked through the front door of our house. Halleluiah! You may or may not know that he is four hours away at college. I haven't seen him since he packed all of his worldly possessions in his truck and left over a month ago. I could have kissed the whiskers off his face. Isn't it amazing how seeing one of your youngins can just cure what ails ya? I also say that about a diet Coke out of a fountain over ice but this is really even better than that. He had been in Athens last night with some friends and came up this way to see his mama. That's what he told me and I'm choosing to believe it. He stayed just long enough for us to have lunch with D, for him to run by the store (an added bonus of seeing his Poppa) and to fill his truck up with gas. And with that, he was gone again. D will see him again at the ballgame in a few hours. I, however, will just have to bask in the memory of that big ole boy putting those big arms around me, kissing the top of my head and saying, "Mom, you're the best. I love you."
Now that truly is better than the bulldogs.

The Bulldog Nation

I have to admit this because I believe in no deception. I was not born a Bulldog. Sad, but true. I grew up in the rural corn fields and coal mines of Southern Illinois. While there was a major university within 30 miles of us (the one I graduated from), college football, at least in my family, wasn't a big deal. My dad loved sports and since I am an only child, I watched it all with him. But his personal favorites were the professional teams - the St. Louis Cardinals, which by the way, they should still be - baseball and football. Well, I really don't give a hoot about professional football but boy have I ever grown to love college football. Somehow you just can't live as close as I do to Athens and not be a Bulldog. Granted, some try. There is that other team in Atlanta who well, give our Bulldogs a run for their money. My nephew and some very good friends of G's go there so I really can't bash the bugs. As long as they aren't playing our Bulldogs.

Being a bulldog was a natural fit for me. I love red! So thank the good Lord, the Bulldog"s signature color is red. Now that is a blessing I tell you. Considering the alternatives - neon orange, gold, purple, - now those are fine colors, not just the best for me personally. So, it is a fine day when it is a Game Day and I can proudly wear that red and black. Unless, of course, it is a black out which suits me too. I have a really good friend whose husband is a huge Bulldog fan but there is a problem in that family. This girlfriend doesn't own red or black - well, not much anyway. Let's just say her signature color is brown - all shades of brown and any color that compliments it. Brown is very chic and looks great on her . . . she can rock it! However, it is not, and I repeat not, a bulldog color. I've got to have a talk with her.

Well, tonight is the first home game for the Dawgs. G and D are headed that way. They are pretty pumped to be sitting in a box way above the hedges with some other family members. Many thanks to them for making my men so happy. The Dawgs got off to a rough start last week but after losing two star players to the NFL, what can you do. I still love em. And Mark Richt is the best. So all that's left to say is
Gooooooooooo Dawgs! Sic em!

Friday, September 11, 2009

A New Beginning

I love new beginnings, a fresh start - a new school year, a new class, a new Bible study, a new year, a new month, a new day. Well, it's a new day for me. My darlin daughter had to set up this blog because she knows how technically challenged I am. But, just between you and me, I think she was just a little impressed that I even knew what a blog was and what to do with one.

One thing you will realize very quickly about me is that I am a random thinker, thus in the blog world, a random writer. I won't make any promises as to how well this whole thing flows and goes. Because I just say something in the middle of something else, all the time. You know why? Because I'm afraid I'll forget it. Just exactly how frustrating is that. Oh my goodness, I'll say "let me tell you this before I forget it." Because at my age, and I'm really not that old, thoughts just pass through my mind and if I don't say it, they will be a fleeting ones.

So, you have had fair warning. I sincerely hope I don't embarrass my family and friends along this blog journey. Why? because they mean the world to me. Can I just tell you that I have the most amazing husband, son, daughter and son-in-law in the entire universe. They are the most fun, funny, interesting, talented, and fabulous people ever! I love them with all my heart! And I love my God! oh yes, I do. He saved me literally from a world of destruction. His love, mercy, grace and forgiveness are truly amazing.

Many years ago a dear, wise-beyond-her-years friend said to me "choose a life verse and live it." Are you kidding me? I'm supposed to read the entire Bible and find a verse for my entire life? oh, but it was much easier than that. I just prayed about what God would have for me and He lead me to Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me, the life I live in the body, I live by faith in the son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."

Now that's worth celebrating! This life is a celebration and a preparation for our eternal one. I challenge you today to live it! Make an impact on others. Make it count for eternity!

Celebrating life with you today!