The Iron Roses – that’s the name we gave ourselves. We wanted Steel Magnolias but that was already taken. Iron Roses - strong, Southern women sharing the sweet fragrance of friendship. Friends for at least 25 years. Sharing all life has given us: laughter, tears, marriages, divorces, births, deaths, medical emergencies, cancer, graduations, weddings, showers, and most of all, love.
Does that seem possible in today’s culture? That the same women can be friends for that long and still actually enjoy one another’s company. That we see each other at least once a week and talk to each other on the phone or email just as often. That we would stomp on someone who would get in our way if the other needed our help. That we love each other’s husbands and children because they do. That we care about everything the other is experiencing – bad and good. That we overlook each other’s warts and choose to see the best of each other. That we know what we know and still love each other deeply. No, this is not a superficial friendship for this group. The roots go very deep. We know how rare it is and we don’t take the blessing of friendship lightly. We cherish this gift God has given us.
Tonight is our monthly meeting to celebrate one of the Rose’s birthdays. Cards and Secret Sister gifts will be exchanged, food will be consumed and laughter will be bountiful. We’ll notice who has a fabulous new haircut, who is wearing cute shoes or killer jewelry. We’ll also notice who looks stressed or down. We’ll ask about everyone’s families and children. We’ll want to know who is going to what sale and when we can get together to go see the new decorator show house. Things girlfriends do. There is nothing that can take the place of a girl’s girlfriends. Nothing.
Today I’m sending out much love and gratitude to this amazing group of women. You accepted and loved me from the moment we met. And I am so thankful you did. I love you all.
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