A couple of weeks ago, after a large 1/2 sweet, 1/2 unsweet tea from one of my favorite hometown restaurants, I was somehow motivated to write a poem. Yes, I know, very strange. I'm still blaming it on the insomnia from my highly sugared (even at half) and highly-caffeinated drink of choice. But nonetheless, I was wide awake at 3:00 a.m. and had run out of things to do (cleaning the house was clearly out of the question) so I began to write. I actually love to write but I had written one poem oh, since I was in elementary school. That doesn't count when E and I used to write poems together for her schoolwork. She had a "Rhyming Dictionary." Isn't that cool? You looked up a word and then it gave you all of the words that rhymed with it. E still has it. It would have clearly come in handy at 3:00 that morning.
Anyway, I had a Bible study lesson coming up about friendships and honestly, there are few things I love more than my girlfriends. No, they can't replace your God, your husband, your children or your parents but doggone, they fill a huge hole in your heart for silly laughter, talk of clothes, makeup and jewelry (among lots of other things) and hearing your heart on a regular basis. And I happen to be blessed with some godly women who listen, pray for me and with me, give good counsel and care deeply about me. Oh, ladies I am so thankful for you.
Thus this poem was birthed out of all of the above. Now that I've built it up so much, you're sure to be disappointed. That's okay, it's really my own personal journey of friendship. One I'm so thankful to have taken.
My Friends and My Father
When I was little, I had one best friend.
I loved her dearly, she spent the night and we played til days end.
When I was a teenager, I had a few more.
But those years were rough and on many an occasion my heart tore.
In college, we all pledged and became sorority sisters.
But back then it seemed the only goal was becoming the Mrs. to all the Misters.
After that, I moved and only one friend had I.
But he was my best one, my husband, my guy.
However, I still felt very alone those first few years,
Many miles from my home, I so wanted a girlfriend, I said through my tears.
So from across the street she came, not knowing me at all.
She took a chance and said, "if you need me, give me a call."
Are you kidding?? I do need you, I thought.
But it will take time, she already has plenty of friends, but then my heart caught.
I can't do this without friends, . . . be married, raise children and such,
I will call her and we'll go to lunch.
That's been almost 25 years to the day.
And she's still one of my dearest friends and will always be, I pray.
My girlfriends, they cheer me up and hear me out.
They love me warts and all and never cause me doubt.
Through the years, God has blessed me with many precious women to love.
But without a doubt, my dearest friend is my Father Above.
He is closer than a sister, a husband or a child.
The ride with Him over the years has been nothing less than wild.
While I couldn't have traveled this journey without my friends,
I could never even started without My Savior and His love that transcends.
He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.
The One who died for me and you so with Him in eternity we can spend.
Thank you for sharing--I am thankful for our friendship and for the amazing friendship of our Father!