What about this question. “What is your dream or desire for your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren?”
A life of bondage to sin? A life of mediocrity? A life of no service to others? A life without true passion for God? A life without God’s purpose at the center of their lives? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! I will never, ever stop praying for just the opposite for my children. I can be the generation that changes generations to come. I can be the generation that shows what true love, passion and authenticity for Christ look like.
This is #2 of what I call God’s “Top Ten List” (The Ten Commandments): “You shall not bow down to them (idols) or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” (Exodus 20:5-6)
Sidenote: “punishing” the children for the sin of the fathers. The KJV says “visiting” which is more reflective of the original Hebrew. The original word means “inspect, review, number . . .” God does not punish children for their parent’s sins (Ezekiel 18). However, the sins of the fathers do have an impact. We have to be very careful what kind of seeds we are sowing.
Look back at this verse. How many generations suffer from the sins of the fathers? 3rd and 4th.
How many generations benefit from one who loves God and is obedient to His commands? 1000s.
We might think God harsh because of His allowances to the third and fourth generations of those who are unfaithful but look at His blessings on future generations of the faithful. God is clearly more gracious in His blessings than in His chastisements. Do you realize that your walk with God could affect great numbers of future generations?
“The little slice of time God offers each generation is a trust. Those before us who were not faithful with their trust will be held accountable but we’re still here. We still have a chance to positively affect the generations that follow us.” (Breaking Free by Beth Moore)
We cannot be so self centered that we think we are the only generation that matters! Clearly, that is not the truth. Our culture has perfected self-centeredness. Let’s not be swept into that tidal wave. Let’s not let that vast ocean of lies consume us. So what do we do? Let’s just do our part for one generation and let Him to His for a thousand.
So please dear friends, let’s make a pact today to pray diligently for the ones God has entrusted to us. I’m not sure we can fully understand the impact we can have on the generations to come.
I’ll leave you with two questions to ponder:
1. In what ways are you allowing the next generation to see authenticity in your life?
2. Given your inner circle of influence, how can you impact them profoundly and intentionally for Christ?
This could change the lives of generations to come.
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