Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful to live in Gainesville, Georgia. Several months ago, D and I took my momma back to the town where I grew up. While I had a great childhood and loved where I was then, I don't want to be there now. I left there that weekend thanking God for transporting me through His divine plan to Gainesville. Honestly the main reason: the weather. I've told y'all before, I do not like snow and they get lots of it. Cold weather, okay. Snow, no way.

Folks, we live in a great community. Gainesville is filled with people who care deeply about making this a quality place to live. Lots of people give of their time and resources to better our little world. People give back, people care and people want the best for each other. Now, you can call me PollyAnna if you want to, but I choose to believe that. I see people everyday who volunteer hours and hours for the betterment of our hospital system; and speaking of our medical community, it is nothing less than phenomenal especially for the size of our town. I see people donating to countless non-profit organizations who you better believe are changing lives of men, women and children; churches who are truly the hands and feet of Jesus; small business owners who care about their customers and want to do the right thing; school systems that work extremely hard at bettering the education of our children; local colleges educating students from all over the world; local government trying their best to use the resources they have; little leagues teaching the value of team sports; a full lake that is not only gorgeous but infuses much-needed income through tourism. These are just a few.

Tonight I will participate in the Corporate Challenge. This is where company employees of all sizes and shapes across Gainesville join together in a common theme: "Get fit; stay fit." Well goodness knows, I'm trying. But I'm not going to be on the sidelines this year, I'm gonna be out there gettin it with the rest of them. I'll be walking with many of our employees. Several of our folks will be running it. There will be hundreds of people there who care: who care about their health and wellness, who care about their places of employment and who care about this community.

I"m thankful I can call Gainesville home.

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