Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I fully realize that I get on this blog every Thursday and tell you how busy my week has been so . . . I guess you know. From 8:30 to 4:00 Monday and Wednesday I participated in the Client Assistant Training at the Care Center. One more day next week and I will officially (on paper) be ready to minister in that capacity. Whoa, yes, it's way out of my comfort zone but I'm really looking forward to it!
Tuesday, I did my shift in the hospital gift shop, then went to pick up Mother for our weekly shopping trip. We managed to get caught in the 15 minute downpour while loading her groceries. That was fun - she wore a grocery bag on her head so she wouldn't get her hair wet. I should have taken a que from her and got one out for myself. Because by the time we met our children to celebrate our son in law's birthday that night, I looked like indeed I needed a bag over my head. But the folks at Fry's Electronics and Steak-n-Shake didn't seem to care and frankly, by that time, neither did I. A fun time was had by all.
E has been holding down the fort in the WEC office this week as I was in training. I like to say that because it sounds like I might have an athletic bone in my body. Which I do not. But today we were full speed ahead preparing for a wedding this weekend in Athens at the Botanical Gardens. We can hardly wait.
We did, however, take out about 30 minutes to walk over to the courthouse to see our buddy, Butch get sworn in as State Senator. My prayers go with him that is for sure.

Look who came to my house tonight? The sweetest boy in the world. And for him I am thankful.


  1. And he took a picture with his sweet Mom to boot!

  2. Wow thank you Mom! I am just as thankful for you.
