Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Day He Wore My Crown

Tonight was the second week of the Esther study at our church. It just thrills my heart when I see almost 40 ladies in one room with their Bibles open digging into God's Word! Praise Him! The book of Esther does not leave you wanting for more excitement or drama that's for sure. We've only completed the first chapter and so far it has read like some sort of adventure/romance/murder mystery book of fiction. However, it is not fiction. Truth is stranger than fiction, as they say.

As I was preparing for this lesson tonight I could not shake the whole idea of royalty. The idea of countries ruled by kings and queens back in this time and culture with all of their pomp and circumstance is a little hard to wrap your brain around. King Xerxes and Queen Vashti certainly were living the "high life" in the winter palace in Susa, capital of Persia, when all heck breaks loose in the first chapter. Whew - what a mess.

So, given my thoughts of royalty and love of crowns (and all things bling-ish actually), I decided that each of these precious ladies needed a crown of their very own. Apparently, not everyone has one. Go figure. I have two. So just look at this first-class, dollar store variety, garish excuse for a head adornment . . . not what I would prefer but it works I suppose.

Okay, so here's the point. And it's a very important one.

As women, we must not confuse our roles with our identity. We can fail in our roles - such as mom, wife, etc. However, the identity that He has given us is secure. No matter what happens I am:

  • Redeemed
  • Forgiven
  • Sealed
  • Confident
  • Victorious
  • Empowered
  • Loved
  • Accepted
  • Chosen
  • Treasured
  • Adopted
  • A Child of God . . . a Princess!!

Beloved, absorb this with your whole heart: You are royalty. Not figurative royalty. Not just spiritual royalty. You are in the most literal sense possible the daughter of the universe's King. You have royal blood in a way that even Esther did not. The crimson bloodline of Christ flows through your veins.

For now the kingdom of God on this earth resides within you, but one day your eyes will spring open to the most brilliant reality sight can behold. The kingdom of God will surround you, complete with palace, mansions, streets and horses. In ways incomprehensible now, you will reign there with Him. All that we now call "reality" will be a mere shadow of the vivid world we have coming. Right now you are representing the King on official business in another land, but you are no less royal than the Queen of England would be if she visited the White House. She is queen regardless of where she is and how she is treated. Her status is secure. So is yours. When she's cut, she bleeds royal blood. So do you.

Not only are you royalty but you also have been placed in your sphere of influence, regardless of the size you perceive it to be, "for such a time as this."

(Words of Beth Moore, Esther study)

Did you get that? If you know Christ as your personal Savior, you are royalty! A daughter of the King of Kings! The same King who wore a crown of thorns . . . so we can wear a crown of beauty.

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