Sunday, October 10, 2010

It's a Big Birthday!

Happy Birthday to G!!

First of all G, you're welcome for giving birth to you so that you would be 21 today, on 10-10-10! As if I had so much to do with it. :)

My birthday message to my boy:

Dear G,
You are my precious son. I love you more than I could have ever even imagined. You are cherished by your dad and me. You have so much potential in this life. I pray that you would know the purpose God has for you and live in it.
You are smart, funny, easy to talk to and easy to get along with. Your personality is simply a delight to me. You are an amazing young man.
My challenge to you today is this: Be a man of character, integrity and truth. Be a man who prospers through service to others. Be a man who stands for right and wrong. Be a man who loves unconditionally. Be a man of honor. Be a man of God.
I love you to the moon and back,

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