Do you pick a word for your new year? And do you choose one once your year is over? This may be a new concept to you but I heard about it several years ago. Let me explain. At the beginning of each new year, you choose one word and let that word be the focus of everything you do. For example, last year I chose the word "Truth." I wanted to be a woman of truth - speaking the Truth over my loved ones and those in my circle of influence, reading the Truth, and knowing the author of Truth. In addition to living an authentic and truthful life. I tried to keep that word at the top of my consciousness and focus on it throughout the year. It became a filter in which I approached everything. I would write this word when I was journaling, in my day-timer and all over my Bible study materials. I tried to put it in front of my face wherever I was. Many prayers were lifted about truth and what it meant in my life.
Then as I ended the year I began to think about a word that described 2010. And that one was easy. It was the word "resolve." This word, along with truth, stayed at the top of my consciousness last year. Every time I was tempted to do something unhealthy (i.e.overeat and not exercise), I thought about the story of Daniel and his resolve not to eat the king's food. (Daniel 1:8) How he stood strong when he was surrounded by all kinds of pagan temptations and how God honored that decision. I thought about how it took resolve to stand on the truths of God's Word and trust Him when we faced a major trial in our family in 2010.
The dictionary defines resolve as "to come to a definite and earnest decision about something." I was resolved to do two things last year: 1. to eat healthy and lose some weight; 2. to put my faith in God and trust Him.
While resolve will continue to be my word when it comes to staying focused on making healthy choices, I have a new word for 2011. And that word is "intentional."
Intentional: "to do something with purpose"
I want to be intentional with my relationships, my work, my free time, my finances and most of all my faith. Isn't that an interesting concept? Intentional faith. What does that mean exactly? Well, while I'm still fleshing that out in my mind, I do know a few things:
1. I will be intentional about my Bible reading, prayer and Bible study.
2. I will be intentional about serving God in whatever way He chooses.
3. I will be intentional about listening to God and then living in obedience.
4. I will be intentional about developing those relationships that honor Him.
So, I challenge you to give this some thought. To spur your thought process here are some words to consider: joy, honor, believe, consistent, action, story, simplify, surrender, love, trust, transparent, authentic. There are lots of options.
One word. It can change your life.
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