1. In case you have been living in obscurity somewhere, I need to let you know that Chickfila has a new milkshake. Here is how our family handled the news:
E to Me Text: Mom! Chickfila has a new Banana Pudding Milkshake coming out on Monday! Yay! WooHoo! Can’t wait!
Me to E Text: Oh. My. Goodness!!! That’s awesome! Let’s go – what are y’all doing Monday night for dinner?
E to Me Text: We’ll meet you there!
Me to E Text: You call your inlaws and I’ll call G and let’s all go together to try it!
E to Me Text: Will do! It’s a date!
Me to D Text: D – next Monday night. Put it on your calendar now – going to Chickfila for a milkshake.
D to Me Text: Got it! Any particular reason?
Me to D Text: Banana Pudding Milkshake.
D to Me Text: Enough said.
And sure enough, that Monday night, the Wileys and Williams converged on the Chickfila to try a brand new cup of this deliciousness. If you even think you might like ice cream or a banana or a nilla wafer, you have got to try this. Our family has always had a soft spot in our stomachs for the Mayfield Banana Pudding Ice Cream so we were pretty confident that this would pass our standards. And oh yes, it did. It actually exceeded our very high milkshake standards. Well done, Chickfila, well done.
2. Beauty and Sleeping Secrets.
Okay, so when us girls went down to the Beloved Retreat a few weekends ago, we not only had tons of fun but we learned a few beauty secrets along the way. One of which I have included into my nighttime beauty routine. They suggested a natural and inexpensive solution to dark circles and wrinkles around the eyes is a mixture of Vitamin E oil and olive oil. So I proceeded to go to the Target and get some Vitamin E oil to mix with the olive oil I already had. So now, every night before I go to bed, I dab a little of the oils around my eyes. I even rubbed it on D’s face the other night. After which, I told him “Now don’t let your oily face touch the pillow case.” Then I quickly realized how absurd that statement really was and told him to just sleep normal. Well, I think I ruined it for him because according to him, he didn’t sleep worth a flip that night. But, truth be told, he doesn’t sleep worth a flip any night, which leads me to why we are drinking pure cherry juice every day. According to recent studies, if you suffer from insomnia it has been “proven” that drinking two glasses of pure cherry juice a day will cause you to sleep better. Something about the melatonin content of the juice and how good it is for you. Bottom line, it’s got lots of good stuff in it and we’re drinking because we want to be healthy and sleep.
So I’m sure the next time you see us, you won’t recognize us what with being so well rested and wrinkle free and all.
3. I’m having a personal book struggle right now because I am in the midst of four, count em four, different books. And for a girl who likes to complete the tasks she starts, it’s about to drive me crazy.
Here are the four: equally good; equally different:
George Bush’s “Decision Points”
Lysa TerKeurst’s “Made to Crave”
Steve Furtick’s “Sun Stand Still” and
David Platt’s “Radical”
See what I mean? These are some heavy hitters! Nothing light, girlie or fluffy about these works. I start one and then I hear about how good the other one is and I start that one and . . . I’m on a hamster book wheel and can’t get off. But I do recommend every one of these books. At this point in the reading, “Sun Stand Still” is my favorite.
4. Update on my children’s trip to Italy: We are communicating via email. You can argue lots of negative about the internet, but believe me, I want to hug my laptop every time I see an email from them. We’ve even seen pictures. For E’s birthday, they took a personal Vespa tour of Rome and loved it! They will be going to Florence next and then onto Venice.
5. This morning I sat in a gorgeous church at a beautiful funeral. I realize that may sound strange but it was one of the most amazing tributes I’ve ever heard to a much loved, admired and respected woman. She was truly a woman of God and her family testified to that in a very touching way. My heart was tendered not only by this service but by the fact that my son, dressed so handsomely in a suit and tie sat beside me, was there to support his friend and her family. He had been in this woman’s presence many times and was also touched by her sweet and loving manner. It was a great reminder of the legacy we leave to the ones we love.
So I’ll leave you there but I’ll encourage you with this: Live your life for an audience of One and leave a legacy of His love.
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