Well, I could try to explain where I've been and what I've done but that would take too long and frankly, I would be exhausted and so would you. There's a lot in the my life right now that requires energy, time and truth be told, more smarts than I've got some days. But you know, if God gives it to you, I figure it's in my best interest to just go with it. All of that to say, that there's a lot on my plate of late. But you blog friends have never been far from my mind. I've missed you.
So let's go forward and discuss a few important subjects:
1. D and I went to see "The Help" and it was phenomenal. I had read the book last summer so I've been anticipating the release of this movie ever since I heard it was going to happen. Oh so very good. Let's just assume that we all know that the story line is awesome and discuss the fashion. The movie is set in the early 60s and let's just say, I should have been born in that fashion era. I adore everything these girls wore. I even like the hairstyles. You know big hair never gets old. Big hair and tiny waists. These girls had the tiniest waists of anybody I've ever seen. And you know that the camera adds 10 pounds so I can't imagine what their waists look like in real life. On second thought, maybe I am glad I'm not wearing the 60s fashion. I don't have the waist for it.
2. Our precious boy is back in Statesboro at Georgia Southern and couldn't be happier. We got him all settled in last Friday and he was just beside himself to be back with his buddies and to get on with school. We sure do miss him around here! My mother's heart yearns for this boy but I know that he is doing what he needs to be doing right now. I'm left here to pray for and encourage him. You better believe, that's what I'll be doing.
3. I get to see my Birthday Group girls tonight! Well, Yay and WooHoo! It's been a while since the whole group has been around the table together so I couldn't be more excited to catch up with them. These women mean the world to me and I am beyond blessed to have them in my life.
4. On Saturday, a group of us will go up to New Beginnings to love on those precious ladies. This is a quarterly trip for us to celebrate the birthdays for many whose birthdays don't even get a mention. We'll have cake and ice cream and then set up a little mini-salon and spa for hair cuts and hands/feet pampering. This is a blessing for all of us. I just cannot tell you how much more of a blessing we get by being in their midst. If you have time, please say a prayer for us as we go. For many reasons, I firmly believe that God has something big and huge planned for this Saturday. He has gone to great lengths to get us all together for this day specifically. We would appreciate your prayers.
5. While Mother was in the hospital (she's fine now but we had a rough couple of weeks), I read "The Noticer" by Andy Andrews. I highly recommend this book. It will blow your socks off.
6. We are having a giveaway on the What's for Supper? segment this week. This is only the second time we've done this and I just thought that it was time to share some more fun with the listeners. And it's a great giveaway - Southern Living's 1001 Ways to Cook Southern Cookbook. It's just over 900 pages. It was on my Christmas list last year and I have enjoyed it so much the past few months. Fabulous recipes and tips in this cookbook!
Well, how was that for a list of the most random things you've ever heard? I'm a little overwhelmed at the amount of things I could talk about since I haven't blogged in weeks so that was just what came to mind first. But no worries, I'll not stay away so long. I've missed you.
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