Wednesday, December 9, 2009

One of the Greatest Inventions since Sliced Bread

Did your parents say that? "greatest thing since sliced bread." What other things do we say just because we have heard them for years?

Oh, one I say is that "I'm having a sinkin' spell." I can remember my grandmother saying that all the time. Have you heard that? You might say it when you are feeling suddenly a little tired or hungry or just need to sit down for a minute. I usually have one of these when I'm paying bills.
"Deader than a doornail." Yes, indeed. My flowers in my pots in the backyard surely are just that dead.
"Pretty is as pretty does." My momma said that all the time when I was little. It's a shame I didn't listen.
"Don't cut off your nose to spite your face." Hmmm. I guess that makes sense.
And, of course, if you live in the South, "oh, bless her heart." We think we can say anything - good or bad - as long as we follow it up with that little phrase.

Okay, I have gotten WAY off track with this post. What got this started is that my new birthday present is truly one of the greatest inventions since sliced bread. It is a Kindle. And I love it. And I want to take it everywhere I go. If you are familiar with a Kindle, you know what I'm talking about. It is fabulous. I''m a reader so I could read all the time if I didn't have to like work, eat, sleep, do laundry, make dinner, clean, etc. So this new little divine bit of technological genius is my new constant companion. I can slip it in my pocketbook or laptop bag and be good to go. My only dilemma is what book to choose - just like when I walk around at the book store picking up every book and reading the synopsis on the back. I have my favorite authors but sometimes, you know, you just want something different. The possibilities are endless with this thing. I highly recommend it. You might want to ask your Santa for one. My personal birthday Santa did a great job. But he always does. Bless his heart.

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