Monday, December 28, 2009

Our Christmas

Since it is currently the 4th quarter of the Independence Bowl and Georgia is leading 44-14, I'm going to leave it with them. I think they have this one in the books.

A lot has happened since I posted on Christmas Eve. We had such a great Christmas! My sweet momma came over on Christmas eve for dinner and presents. As an added bonus, E and her hubby came late and spent the night with us. So all five of us had breakfast together on Christmas morning. By the way, I made the traditional French Toast Casserole and it did not disappoint – it was awesome, probably full of fat, sugar and calories but I’m not thinking about that at the moment. We opened presents together Christmas morning and then the grandparents joined us for lunch. After lunch, the grandparents along with E and her hubby headed out, G went to the movies with a friend, so D and I decided we would mix it up a little -we played with the wii. Now G got the wii last year for Christmas but we pretty much hadn’t touched it since. G texted me after the movies to touch base and asked what we were doing. I said we were playing with the wii. His response – "just you and dad?” Yep, just us. Can I just say I whooped D’s butt at tennis only to have the favor returned when we bowled. I about pulled out my back doing it.

My "day after Christmas shopping buddy" (and daughter) was out of town and I wasn’t really in the mood to go out by myself, so I gave myself a self-imposed break from that. I stayed home and did something I hadn’t had time to do in a couple of weeks – sat by the fire and read. Oh, it was heavenly. But now it’s Monday and I'm back to the real world and its regularly scheduled programming. Thought I would share a few pictures from our Christmas.

Mimi and my precious children.

Can I just tell you how much I adore these four people?

Every Christmas since he was born, G gets a nutcracker for Christmas. He has quite the collection now. He says this year's choice may be his favorite. If you look closely, you can see this nutcracker is a drummer - wearing sunglasses with a curly ponytail. Too funny!

E has received an angel every Christmas since her birth. This year's addition is the 2009 Willow Tree angel ornament to go on her tree!

Love this man.

1 comment:

  1. Crevolyn- I love your blog! Darrell sent us a link and I have enjoyed reading about your great holiday traditions. You are so talented...I need to learn how to decorate a home like you do!!
