Well, you might think I have something exciting to share but I really don't. This has been a very relaxing weekend and that is kinda nice for a change.
Friday night was one of those nights that I just didn't want to end. The whole family including my momma and E's BFF (who was in town attending to wedding details - yeah!) sat around the table and had dinner together. Well, the food was good but the conversation was even better. I just didn't want everyone to go their separate ways but all good things must come to an end and after all, D and I did have that last disc from Season 1 of Castle beckoning to us. And because we didn't want that to come to an end, we split the goodness in half. We watched two episodes on Friday night and the other two last night.
Saturday morning I headed up to the farm for some quiet time. I do this periodically. The farm provides a good place to go to think and pray with no distractions, other than the rooster who lives nearby. There isn't a house for a mile so I really don't know why he comes over to the farm fence to holler. I thought they were just supposed to do that in the mornings to wake you up but not this rooster. Anyway, that time alone was wonderful. D joined me for a little while as he was headed back to Gainesville from Dahlonega and decided to take a little detour. And he brought lunch which made him a very welcome sight to behold.
On my way home, I stopped at my favorite nursery and got a few things for a yard project G and I have going. It works well: I provide the ideas and plants and he (thankfully) provides the muscle. I'll have to take a few photos when our projects are complete to show the beauty. To reward myself for all of my hard work, I cooked us a good supper and plugged in Castle. We have successfully completed our first television goal. Check. Thank you very much. Yes, I admittedly have another television goal for the summer but I'll share that at a later date.
Today has been spent at church and at home. Yea! and Woohoo! Two places I really enjoy. Oh, I finished "Plantation" this afternoon and boy, was it ever good. That Ms. Frank can spin a tale I tell you. Once finished with that, I hit the heavy stuff with a little magazine reading (the InStyle is fabulous this month) and then delved right into two subjects I adore: the Bible and food.
* Bible study is tomorrow night which means I gotta polish up on the lesson to be presented. The study is so good and I really want to do it justice by spending the time with it.
* The What's for Supper segment had to be completed as well. I had most of it done and just needed to make sure all of the ingredients were correct and directions clear for the recipes. The recipes are posted on the store website each day (http://www.jandjfoods.com/) so I want to make sure they are correct. The theme for this week is Salad Suppers and if I do say so myself, these are some good recipes. A little hint: Shrimp Salad. Need I say more?
My rear has sat on this couch for about the past six hours working on the above. Thankfully my sweet husband's rear has sat in his recliner for the same amount of time. Wow - that sounds bad but it's true. Yes, I am getting up early in the morning to go exercise.
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