Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Second Day in the Life

Well, obviously this is a continuation from the previous post and by the way, a new day in this life. Just for an update, I am 27% through (according to the Kindle) the "Plantation" novel, the Dot Frank book I started last night. Seriously, I could hardly put it down. If sleep and an 8:00 hair appointment hadn't been a factor, I would still be reading.

Continuing on . . .
6. I am thinking about . . . what a wonderful man I married 26 years ago today. Now I will be the first to tell you that marriage is hard work and in my personal opinion, that's why so many fail. Folks just don't want to do the hard stuff, play through the pain and carry on. 1 Corinthians 7:28 says "those who marry will face many troubles in this life." So there you go. This should be no surprise. But can you think of a better reward in this life than sharing it with someone you love and the love of a family? Not me, no thank you. Yes, there will be troubles but there are many joys, lots of laughter and love that will carry you through.
I have learned a few things in 26 years and of course, I'll be glad to share:
I've learned (finally) to hold my tongue and not say the very first thing that comes to mind.
I've learned that I have a choice: to love or not to love. It is my decision every day. I choose love.
I've learned to forgive.
I've learned to appreciate the good and not dwell on the bad.
I've learned that laughing is much better than crying.
I've learned that accepting is much easier than trying to change.
I've learned that life is short and it's just best to think of others more than yourself.
I've learned that you really can survive the empty nest and enjoy it!
So hang in there! Commit to make your marriage the best it can be. Satan is alive and well and trying to steal, kill and destroy marriages everyday. Do Not let this happen! Stay strong!

7. I am remembering . . . a story about G. This week on the radio show I am featuring family favorites - choosing recipes that are favorites of my children. Today I chose my Macaroni and Cheese recipe for my boy. His favorite. Okay, long story but I'm getting to the point eventually. Yesterday on the show, B.J. was telling a story about something a child said to her at church and that got me thinking about something funny (now, not then) that G did when he was about 5 years old. It was one of his first Sunday's in "big" church. D was singing in the choir so I was sitting with the children on the back row (at least I was smart enough to do that) of the church. It was offertory prayer time and I closed my eyes (first mistake). When I opened them, G was gone. Gone. I began to panic until . . . everyone sat down, I looked down the aisle toward the front of the church and there was G. Rolling, yes rolling on his side down the aisle toward the pulpit. Just like he was rolling down a big hill on the way to the bottom. Not a care in the world - oblivious to his surroundings. Oh. My. Goodness. I will never forget it. I walked down that aisle like this was a common every day occurance, grabbed that child up by his arm, walked right back up that aisle, took my girl by the hand and kept right on walking out the back door of that sanctuary.

1 comment:

  1. Happy, Happy Anniversary to one of my favorite couples! Great story about G--how have I missed ever hearing that before!
