Christmas morning every one of my family members was under my roof and nothing makes me happier. I served them homemade cinnamon rolls and yes, I did make them myself. And they had yeast in them which is important to note because in the past, I have sworn off any recipe that had yeast in it. I admit, it was pure fear - fear of not rising or fear of rising so much that the batter would take over the whole kitchen. (I think I saw that in a really bad movie once). I conquered my fear and made the best cinnamon rolls in history, my history anyway. Then we opened presents and ate again. We do love to eat in this family. Oh and I got two cookbooks and recipe software for Christmas!! (Actually I got three cookbooks for Christmas because I treated myself to Christy Jordan's cookbook, "Southern Plate" because I got one for E and hey, I needed one too after all). Anyway, I simply cannot wait to get cooking. Yay!!
We braved the snow Christmas evening and went to the movies. We saw "The Tourist" and I liked it alot. We had seen "True Grit" earlier in the week and I liked it even more. Yes, it is a western with lots of saloons, hangins', shootin' and the such but for a girl who watched "Gunsmoke" and "Bonanza" every time they came on tv as a child, I am very accustomed to a good western. I thought Jeff Bridges did a great job (okay, he's no John Wayne but who is?) and the girl who plays Mattie is awesome. All in all, both of these movies were worth the money we paid and I don't say that too often.
By Sunday, my electric blanket and I were warming up to each other and by the end of the day, we had totally cemented our relationship. We didn't leave each other all day. G had gotten me John Grisham's new book for Christmas, "The Confession" and I read it all in one day. And it was no easy read since it deals directly with the death penalty and someone who is facing it. But like most of John Gresham's books, once you start them, you just can't stop. And then, since I was totally in the reading mood, I moved on to the book I had gotten D for Christmas, George Bush's "Decision Points." Well, it's like reading a suspense novel so I can hardly put it down. I have total respect for this man and his presidency especially after reading his accounts of 9/11 and the struggles he faced not only as president but as a man.
Because we have been snowed in (i.e. there is snow on the ground), I thought I would rent us a few movies. NetFlix just couldn't get them to us fast enough so I went to the movie rental store and got three movies. I watched "Eat, Love, Pray" with Julia Roberts last night. Interesting movie. I hadn't read the book so I wasn't sure what to expect. Let me just say, I thought the scenery of Italy, India and Bali was the best part. You didn't know you were going to get a movie review post today, did you? It's so rare that we see a movie that's not at least a year out from the box office and then they are pretty much forgotten.
Thinking about "Eat, Love, Pray" - there is FREE download on Beth Moore's website ( of her Living Proof Live teaching called "Eat, Pray, Love" except this is based on the book of Jeremiah. It will only take you a few minutes to download to your computer. I have only listened to the first one but it was powerful. Much better than the movie. :)
So, if you're thinking all I've done since Christmas is read books and watch movies, you're pretty much right. I have managed to squeeze in working in the office; going to the WindowShop for a total redo of the whole store (after Christmas sale wiped everything out) and a long, wonderful breakfast meeting with a good friend this morning.
Tonight, my boy and some of his buddies have their first paying gig at The Monkey Barrel downtown. I haven't actually seen G play in a band since he played in the Praise Band at church in high school. I know he has because I've seen him toting those drums in and out of our house a jillion times. So I'm excited to actually see him play. I think I am going to have to have a nap before we go because apparently if you play at somewhere like The Monkey Barrel, the bands don't start playing until 10:00. Really? That's getting pretty close to my bed time but you better believe, I will miss my curfew with my electric blanket for my boy.
This is what our house looked like the day after Christmas.
The first weekend of December, E and N were at a pre-SEC championship concert in Buckhead. They had parked E's car in a parking garage and soon realized that someone had broken into it and stolen both of their briefcases, laptops included. In N's briefcase was a leather portfolio that he used regularly. We had given it to him for either his birthday or Christmas a couple of years earlier. So, he got a deja vu gift from us - another leather portfolio. I don't know what upset E more - losing her laptop or her Coach pocketbook (thankfully it was empty).
I'm sure you noticed that one skill I have learned in the past couple of days is the changing of my blog background. E had typically done this for me in the past but I was playing around with things the other night and figured it out for myself. (Actually the blog background website had very specific instructions and sometimes I can follow instructions . . . sometimes) So what do you think? Now that I know what I know, I'll be mixing it up for 2011. Speaking of 2011, what your goals? I have goals not resolutions. I'll be sharing mine soon.
Happy Wednesday!
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