Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Live It Up Plan - Part 2

We are continuing with our Live It Up Plan for Entertaining. Yesterday was our first great word - Live. Allow me to tell you a little more about Live.

Life Impact: This is the primary reason we entertain. We want to share life with those we care about. We come together in the comfort of our homes; share some good food and conversation; basically, share life. This is truly what it is all about. Life is busy. We really just need to slow down and enjoy the relationships God has blessed us with.

Ideas for life-impact holiday gatherings:
1. Progressive Dinner. This can be done with all groups of people but the houses need to be fairly close together. We've done this on several occasions and it's really fun.
2. Tour of Homes. You know, we spend lots of time decorating our homes so why not get together with a group of friends and have your own little tour of homes? You could have a little snack at each house or at the last house, have everyone bring a dish and have dinner together.
3. Cookie Swap. Can I just tell you how much I love a good cookie swap? Our birthday group has one every year and I can hardly wait til it rolls around. We cook up a batch of our favorite cookies and take them to share. The best part - you get to come home with a platter of some of every one's great cookies. WooHoo - breakfast!
4. Cookie Baking/Decorating Party - E and I started doing this several years ago and we have so much fun. We bake and our boys eat. We bake all kinds of cookies but our favorites are the basic sugar cookies that we cut into all different shapes then decorate with icing of every color, sprinkles, etc. We also have done Gingerbread Houses together - now that is a story for another day.
5. Cocoa Party - everything served is chocolate (moment of silence).
6. Crafting Party - Grab your children, friends or family; get together several craft projects and sit around the table and have a blast. E and I did this a few weeks ago and it was great.
7. Neighborhood Open House - Open your home to your neighbors and get to know those around you.
8. Tree trimming party - If you know someone who might need some help decorating their tree, gather together to get that job done for them. Bring some snacks with you and take the party to them.
9. Gathering of Giving Back - Encourage your guests to bring something to give - canned food or toys, for example. There are lots of needs in our community. Encourage giving to some worthy organizations.
10. Gift Wrapping Party - This makes a sometimes daunting task a lot more fun. Get together with some friends along with their gifts and wrapping supplies and this has all the makings of some major fun. And think about what you will have accomplished when it's over.

Invite the Main Ingredient - the people. Whether it be family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, make a plan and get them together. The group you invite to your gathering will determine the rest of your decisions.
Just for me personally, I am not a fan of an evite. I know there are times when it is appropriate but I like to get a piece of paper for a party. Probably not the "green-est" thing to do but I really love all of the fun invitations that are out there and I love to receive them! Or you can also do something special on your home computer. Either way is fine with me.

Variety is the spice of life. Be creative! Tomorrow I'll be speaking about all kinds of fun ideas for decorating and tablescapes. I think I'll save this for a another post so that I can do it justice.

Embrace your strengths and delegate your weaknesses. This is a great time to barter with your friends and family. Say if you love to decorate but you're not so much in the cooking department, something like . . . "I'll come decorate your house if you'll make my desserts for me." It might just work!

Today is our next word - it. Not the most exciting word in the English language but let's face it, where would we be without . . . it. That was lame.

Incorporate traditions into your entertaining. Traditions are so meaningful even if it is just one thing you do every year.

Takeaways make your guests feel special. I love to give my guests just a little something for them to take home. Several ideas:
* Tie an ornament to their napkin ring or have it at each place setting.
* Give a small gift, special to them, as they are leaving. Along with a hug.
* Or my personal favorite, a food gift wrapped in a special package. Lots of options here.
* Or something theme specific. If you are hosting a cookie swap, you might do a cookie mix, tied with a cookie cutter.

Well, tomorrow our word is "UP." You'll find out what's up with that.

Oh please, put me to bed.

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