Monday, September 24, 2012

It's a Brand New Day

Does anyone else besides me wake up on Monday mornings with a fresh perspective on life?  This morning has been so therapeutic for me.  For one thing, it is absolutely beautiful outside.  This is my kind of weather!  Yay - for fall!  When I took Kirkley out this morning and breathed in the fresh cool air, I could feel my spirits lift.  That's when my fresh perspective emerged.  I felt energized and renewed!

And boy howdy, did I need it!  Let me just tell you the past few months and weeks have been a whirlwind, especially the past three weeks.  E and I have been blessed to be a part of three wonderful weddings this month.  All three have been outdoor weddings and God has certainly smiled upon us with weather that has been nothing short of incredible.  Can I just tell you that there is a certain stress level that accompanies an outdoor wedding?  Oh yes there is.  But these three have gone off without a hitch!  Weather - amazing!  Sweet families - definitely!  So, what more can you ask for?  We have just had the best time.  My heart soared this morning when E and I received a text from our  last Saturday's bride who from her honeymoon wrote:  "Thank you so much for everything!  My wedding was absolutely perfect. Love you both!"   Literally, brought tears to my eyes.  And that my friends, is why we do what we do.  That makes all the hard work and high stress level totally worth it.

We have a breather of sorts the next couple of months as far as actual events; however, the planning continues for December weddings and several already in the works for next year.  Thank you, Lord for work that we adore!

So . . . all of that to say that this morning I am overwhelmed with thankfulness.  Thankful to God who continues to show His love for me; thankful for my husband and the spiritual leader he continues to be for me and our family; for my family who are the most incredible group of  people I know that bring joy unending to this girl; for a job that I absolutely love; and for fall weather!!  Okay and on the totally superficial side ... for college football (i.e. Dawgs 4-0) and Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte.  I truly believe we need to thank God for all of his good gifts!  :)

So, friends, "this is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!"   Every minute, every hour and every day is a gift.  Open it and make the most of it! 

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