Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The "Apple" of my Eye

Well, you know how you have to fight some days to keep perspective?  That whole don't sweat the small stuff jazz?  Well, honestly, as I've gotten older I really don't sweat the little things like I used to in my younger days.  You just realize the older you get that some things just aren't as important as they used to be.  However ... one thing that I "sweat" over is my cell phone.  Okay, my name is Crevolyn Wiley and I am addicted to my cell phone.  I'm sure that there is a 12-Step program for me somewhere.   After all, the first step is to admit. 

But this morning I'm almost in a little tiz just because: 1.  I'm switching cell service providers; 2.  I am perfectly happy with this provider which means my comfort zone and I are totally content together;  3. My husband insists that going on another plan will save us some money (but isn't my peace of mind worth something?); 4. I will be without my cell phone all day. Yes, I said all day.  Apparently, according to my husband I'm supposed to back up my phone on my computer.  Who knew?  I honestly thought when Apple came out with iCloud that it was supposed to take that annoying little step away so I just stopped backing up my phone.  I mean really, this phone can do everything else, can't it back it's own self up?   I have better things to do.  All this ranting to say... my phone and computer have to go to the IT department at the store for the day.  The.entire.day.  What in heaven's name takes so long?    So I'll spend the whole day wondering who is calling, texting and emailing me and who is posting great things on Facebook and Instragram; all the while, attempting to pick it up to look up some random fact.  Oh, the craziness of it all. 

Or maybe I'll enjoy the peace and quiet.  Maybe I'll listen and look for other things of much greater importance.  Maybe instead of looking at my phone at the stop light, I'll notice the sky and beauty around me.  Maybe I'll enjoy a conversation with an actual person instead of burying my head in my phone.  Maybe I'll look my husband in the eye when he's talking to me after supper instead of obsessing over Pinterest.    Maybe I'll hear God speaking instead of being so preoccupied with the buzz of electronics.  

Maybe I'll let them keep it another day. 

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