Friday, January 1, 2021

It's 2021!

It's officially 2021 which means we are DONE. FINISHED. with 2020!  Praise sweet Jesus!

Before we go much farther I guess I should address the elephant in the room (on the blog? in the internet? I'm not sure where the elephant is). The elephant being that I have not graced this spot on the inter-web for almost 5 years.  I could tell you many reasons why, and maybe I will someday, but for now, let's put a line in the sand and move forward.  

I can tell you one reason that I haven't been around these parts is because it takes some brain power (that I may or may not possess) to sit down and gather my thoughts enough to put them into some semblance of order. Some days that just seems overwhelming and/or more than I have time for. I've decided I'm not going to put pressure on myself to be particularly eloquent and full of deep thoughts.  So what I'm trying to saying is not to get your expectations too high for this space. I'll write what comes to mind and see how it goes.

I do have a few thoughts on this first day of 2021:
*  I miss people.
*  I miss church. 
*  I miss hugging people.
*  I miss traveling.
*  I miss going to concerts, plays,  and live performances of any kind. 
*  I miss what I took for granted.

Please know that I am fully aware this is not all about me.  This whole 2020 situation has seen so much heartache, loss and isolation for so many.  It is hard to process all that's happened the last ten months. One of my favorite verses has been a constant these past months:
"God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

So as we begin 2021, I'm praying that I can put fear behind me and walk with confidence into this year. That's one reason I want to write here again.  It's very cathartic for me to put thoughts into words.  When you say something out loud or write it on paper, sometimes it makes it not feel so burdensome or heavy. I'm okay if no one reads this.  I mean I would love for friends and family to share my crazy.  In fact, there are three of you (you know who you are) who asked me to begin writing again.  So I appreciate the encouragement.  I'll try to do the three of you proud.

Until next time, much love.

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