Monday, December 1, 2014

Holy Cow - It's December 1st! and 12 Days of Christmas Day 1!

It's December 1st!  which means we are 24 days away from Christmas (as if you needed a reminder)!  But before we talk about December, let's talk about what we've done the past couple of days. 

There was another big holiday last Thursday and let's just say it may be my favorite of the year.  Let's face it, Thanksgiving is a cooking and eating extravaganza. So you can imagine that it would be extra special to me.  Also, it allows time to sit back and reflect on all of the blessings of this life without all of the craziness that sometimes accompanies Christmas.  Now don't get me wrong, I love, love, love Christmas but I can sometimes get caught up in the little things and let the Big Reason of Celebration be of way lesser importance. 

Let's back way up to last weekend.  We've got lots of ground to cover.  Last Saturday, E and D went to the Georgia/Charleston Southern game and I was thrilled that these two could have a fun day together.  I took my sweet momma and we went to a wedding of a dear friend's son.  It was a beautiful day for an outdoor wedding by the river especially given since the 4th Saturday in November is an "iffy" day to depend on the weather.  But it was gorgeous and we were thrilled to be there to share their special day.

Before I tell you about the past two Sunday nights, I need to give you a little background.  About two months ago, D came home from spending some time at the farm, walked in the door and said that he would like to hold two large family gatherings there on the Sunday night before Thanksgiving and the Sunday night after - one for his mom's side of the family and one for his dad's side of the family.  Well, all-righty-then.  Honestly, I thought it was a fabulous idea and was completely on board.  Because if anything, I do love me a good family get together.   So the past two Sundays we have spent the day preparing, setting up, and hosting parties... and it has been beyond a blessing.  We loved every single minute of the time spent with these precious family members making some wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.   Great idea, D. 

Monday and Tuesday last week I caught up on work-related projects, did my grocery shopping and did as much cooking ahead of time as I could.  Because on Wednesday morning, my boy was going to land in Georgia and I didn't want to spend the whole time he was here in the kitchen.  His time was limited - arriving in Atlanta at 9:30 on Wednesday morning and flying back out at 9:30 Friday night.  So I cleared my calendar for Wednesday.  We had lunch as a family of four at one of our favorites, Johnny's BBQ and then D, G and I headed to Blue Ridge for G to see the new store. 
These two ... oh, my heart. 

Thanksgiving was pretty laid back.  We stayed at home until time to go have supper at D's mom's house.  Supper was amazing of course, because, well, it is Thanksgiving.  But the after-dinner table talk is always one of my favorite times.  This is what Sadie did on Thanksgiving. 

I didn't shop in the stores on Black Friday but did buy a few things on the web.  I just couldn't bring myself to brave the crowds without my shopping buddy (E) so I just stayed at home and sat by the fire myself.  I did go to lunch with G and then we met D at home to watch the Missouri-Arkansas game, hoping Arkansas would win.  That would have given Georgia the chance to go to the SEC championship.  Well, that didn't happen.  And neither did a win to Georgia Tech.  That game might have been the wildest one I have ever sat through.  I'm pretty sure it took a few months off of my life.  In the end, there has to be a winner and a loser but heavenly day, after that roller coaster of a game, did the loser have to be us?  Apparently, yes.  However, I chose to look on the bright side which includes this beautiful view for the day and the fabulous dinner I had with my husband in Athens after the game.  That's enough about that. 

So I think that catches up to today. 

I usually give you an overview of my month on the 1st but since it's December, I think that we'll just take it day by day. 

However, I have a little surprise for you, blog friends!  I'm going to do 12 Days of Christmas Gift Giving Fun highlighting some great ideas for your friends and family or a little something for yourself!  How fun is this?  I must say at this point that I am not receiving any kind of reimbursement for these promotions.  I'm just sharing because that's what I do, I'm an over-sharer. 

So let's get started.

12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVING FUN - DAY 1!  ERIN CONDREN LIFE PLANNERS (and all of the wonderful products)!

About mid-year, I was introduced to Erin Condren.  Well, not personally.  Although, given my love for her products, I would really like to be her friend.  So about July, I was in need of a new planner.  Now, I know, all of you technologically geniuses out there use your phones for your calendar/planner/etc. but me? well, I have to have the good old-fashioned paper kind.  I just like to see the whole picture, feel it, touch it, smell it ... you get the idea. 

Anyway, I stumbled upon the website and I was instantly taken in.  I looked at all the products and watched all the videos about how real women use these planners.  One video was particularly helpful - this woman was a medical professional, wife and busy mother.  She showed her tips and organizational ideas using the planner to it's full potential.  While I'm not quite at her level, I did need a planner for my busy life and I instantly fell for this one.  And yes, I know, it's a little more than I might normally pay but in additional to a whole host of other things you can read about on the website if you're interested, each one is personalized.  And if you know me at all, you know I do love some personalization because I would hate to get my planner confused with all of the other Crevolyns out there.   So this is what mine looks like. 

I adore every product on the website.  So while this planner might be one of those gifts you give yourself, there are lots of other ideas.  Check it out here if you're interested. 

Oh and over at Cooking with Crevolyn I'm doing12 Days of Christmas inspired recipes!  Tis the Season!!!

Happy December! 

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