I just wanted to share something that has been speaking to my heart of late. As you know, I'm all about the book of Nehemiah right now for so many reasons but this verse in the 4th Chapter has really stuck with me:
"Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome , and fight for your brothers, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes." v. 14.
At this risk of taking this verse out of context, I do believe this could apply to us today. Nehemiah finds himself in quite the battle with some his contemporaries who do not want the wall around Jerusalem to be rebuilt. He is facing major opposition. Well, who do you think this opposition originates with? If Nehemiah is doing God's work, then who are the "enemies" (v.11) working for? Yes, the enemy.
So, when we face opposition (and we will), who does that originate with? We live in a fallen world and we know that trouble will surround us. Trouble with our children, our families, our friends, our work, our churches - we can expect it. So, what do we do? We Fight! We fight for our brothers, sons, daughters, spouses and homes. Do you realize the magnitude of the attack on our families right now? The attack on morals, values, family unity, marriages - it's unbelievable. But in that one little sentence, what does Nehemiah say?
First: "Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome." Well, amen! If we didn't know as believers that our God is Sovereign and in control of everything: that He will work all things to the good of His people; that He is just and in the end, He will have the final word - where would we be? Personally, I think some days I might just be in bed in the fetal position too weary and overwhelmed to press on. But because of His great love, we keep on; we keep on praying; we keep on digging into His word, we keep on battling; . . .
Second: we keep on Fighting!! Because that's what He wants us to do. Nobody said this life would be easy. Nehemiah says, FIGHT for your families and your homes!! Let's not be wimpy and passive about these things that are attacking our families on every side. Do.Not.Let.Satan.Win.This.Battle! Do what it takes, even at the risk of being radical if you must, to fight for your family and home. Satan's main goal is stated simply in John 10:10: 'kill, steal and destroy." Okay, any questions about that? That is plain and simple. God's goal: "give us life more abundantly."
So, let me just share with you a few ways that I personally fight for my husband, children and home:
1. Pray: I get down on my knees and cry out on behalf of my family. From the biggest to the smallest concern I have, I give it to God.
2. I prayer walk my home. I go into each room and pray over the people who enter there. I pray for protection and provision. I walk the perimeter of my house outside to ask for protection from attack.
3. I dig into God's Word to find the encouragement and "ammunition," if you will, to continue to play through the pain of day to day life. God's word is active, it's alive and it will answer every question we have about life.
4. I share my concerns with my husband and united, we work toward a common goal. Let me just say this, as one who has been married a long time, sometimes you have to compromise. I know that almost sounds trite, but believe me, if you've had to practice it on more than one occasion, it is not. You have to understand the greater goal and work together towards that. You have to realize where your strengths and weaknesses lie and how working together you are a thousand times stronger than when you work apart.
5. I seek out the wisdom of others. I have a few "go to" girls that know all the yuck stuff and still are there to speak truth over me with no condemnation. What a blessing.
So, if today or tomorrow you feel like you are persecuted on every side, stand strong.
"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world." words of Jesus, John 16:33.
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