As I mentioned earlier in the month, I've been asked to speak to a ladies' group here in our community this Thursday. If you've talked to me in the past few weeks, I'm sure I've bored you to tears lamenting my nervousness about this event. This is a large group; a large group of my peers. Oooh. I'll just be honest with you, I'm intimidated. I've been praying up though and I'm beginning to feel my whole upper body start to relax. A little. My girl has agreed to create and run my power point presentation so just having her there will reduce my stress level immensely.
When I first found out about this speaking engagement, my mind was just going from one end of the spectrum to the other. Oh, I guess I should tell you the topic I was asked to speak on . . . Entertaining for the Holidays. So, where do I begin? There are so many things to talk about. I honestly could talk for two whole days about this topic but I just have 40 minutes. Oh, that's another thing - when they first asked me to speak, they said I had 25 minutes. After speaking with the coordinator for the event last Monday, I now have 40 minutes. That extra 15 minutes makes a huge difference. Anyway, I stewed and prayed and stewed some more, when finally I thought that just maybe I should create an outline that would perhaps order my thoughts. Novel idea, right?
I stared at the blank page for about 30 minutes when I realized that I love acronyms. You might not. It's the way I learn and remember things.
For example, I learned to spell arithmetic in 3rd grade by this saying - A rat in Timothy's house might eat Timothy's ice cream. Get it? The beginning letter of each word in that little sentence spells the word arithmetic. I know, I have a weird brain but it works for me.
So . . . I thought maybe this might be a jumping off place for my little talk on Thursday. (acronyms not Timothy's rat or ice cream.) Guess what we (I was divinely inspired) came up with: The Live It Up Plan for Entertaining! What do you think?
So this will be the foundation for my talk on Thursday. Check back tomorrow and I'll give you a sneak peak at how we can all "Live it Up!"
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