Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Much Ado about Nothing

Well, this post is truly, much ado about nothing. But here goes . . .
Well, Saturday's crafting experiment turned out to be so much fun and E and I came away with the cutest ornaments. We also made napkin rings out of jingle bells. Who knew the possibilities? So maybe if I keep my crafting projects in the age ranges of "6 and up," I will be able to accomplish great things. Go over that age level and I'll only get discouraged and disillusioned. The boys watched the Georgia/Auburn game and I made that amazing sausage dip that we reserve only for Georgia-game-watching, hamburger sliders, slaw and sweet potato fries. Oh the goodness and fun.

On Sunday morning, D and I got up at the crack of dark and headed to the church because the Handbell Choir was leading in worship during the early service. We played "Give Thanks" and if I do say so myself, it was beautiful. We practiced after church so that we wouldn't have to go back that evening so by the time we got home Sunday, I was pooped. However, I knew I had much to do in order to get the office decorated for Christmas, so my afternoon was filled with the making of bows and the decorating of wreaths.

Then Sunday night, D and I were so excited to have dinner with his two aunts and one husband (the other was sick) to celebrate my birthday. These two women have been incredible to me. From the day I entered their family, they have loved me like their own. When I married D, I knew I was marrying a wonderful man; what I didn't know was that I would gain two of the most amazing women as "sisters." We love them like crazy as they do us. We had so much fun.

Let's see what did I do on Monday? Oh, yes. By 8:00 that morning I was in a meeting with the J&J Leadership team and our grocery supplier to plan out the promotions for 2011. I was asked to come because of the What's for Supper? segment. Apparently, I am supposed to plan my recipes so that they coincide with the special promotions at the store. Well, overall I think I might have been doing that but now, since I have been in on the planning, I'll have no excuse. I think this may squelch my creativity. Just.kidding.
Monday night I was at the office putting the final touches on the Christmas decor - the tree and our tablescape table. I think we are quite ready for the Jingle Mingle on Thursday.

Yesterday was hospital-volunteering day. We worked in the shop and soon realized just how much we needed to do there to prepare for Christmas. Basically, the whole shop needs to be redone. However, we are going to start with putting up the Christmas tree; redoing all the displays; and moving around about 1/2 of the entire inventory. We are going back early Friday morning to accomplish that goal.

Today. Oh, today. Well, D and I got up at 6:30 this morning to exercise - he ran 9 miles and I walked 3. And then at 11:00 - and I'm so excited about this - I've been invited to judge the Annual Thanksgiving Chili Cook-Off for the staff at the radio station. This should be interesting. I'm taking Tums and GasX with me just in case.
After that, I'm headed to the Care Center to work with their clients for the afternoon. I'm always a mix of excited and nervous when I go there. I so want to do and say the right things to these precious women. It's always a blessing to be a part of the monumental work of God that goes on in this place.

Okay, well I'm absolutely sure that's all of the randomness about my life you can take for one day. Hope you have a good one!

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