Monday, November 2, 2009

What I Love about November!

Yes, I have been gone from blog land for well over a week for good reason and we’ll eventually get to that. But first things first, it’s time for the first of the month “what I love” post. So without further ado . . .

1. Marketplace is this month – this weekend actually at the Gainesville Civic Center. The Preview Party is Thursday night and tickets are still available. Friday’s hours: 9:30 – 6:30 and Saturday’s hours: 9:30 – 5:00. Tickets are $5 and children under 12 are admitted free. Complementary valet parking and a parking shuttle will be available. It’s a great way to get a start on your Christmas shopping and benefit a good cause.
2. We have a wedding this weekend we have so been looking forward to. It is outdoors (praying for beautiful weather) at a private home that could not be a more beautiful setting. So excited!
3. Since I am an only child, many years ago two of Darrell’s aunts were kind enough to adopt me as their sister. I am so blessed! These two women are just fabulous. On Sunday, we will be celebrating with my “oldest sister” at her very first grandchild’s shower. I think that will make me an adopted great-aunt? Not sure. Anyway, I do love babies . . . and showers. It’s a boy so we are deep into all things blue. He’s scheduled to make his arrival mid-December so my sister is personally considering him the best Christmas present ever. As she should.
4. Our Handbell Choir has had a slow start this fall so we can hardly wait to ring together on November 15th. The song – “Blessed Assurance.” Oh, and is it ever beautiful. I’m constantly amazed at what amazing music a dozen people and three octaves of handbells can make. We will also be ringing during the Christmas season and to me, it’s just doesn’t seem like Christmas unless we play “Carol of the Bells.” Love it.
5. I will be celebrating a big birthday this month. That’s really enough said about that.
6. Did I mention that my son will be home the entire week of Thanksgiving? GSU didn’t get a fall break as many of the other schools did which makes me happy because he gets to come home for almost nine days. Woohoo!
7. Okay, it goes without saying how much I love Thanksgiving. It may be my favorite holiday. - after Christmas, and the 4th of July, and maybe Easter. Hmmm . . . I can’t decide. I love them all. Why do I love it so much? It’s a day when we can just stop and thank God for the many ways He continues to bless us. A day when we can spend with those we love. A day when D’s mom totally outdoes herself. I’ve told you before what a cooking rock star she is and so on Thanksgiving, it’s incredible. This year, our daughter has requested that after the big meal, we all go see the new Sandra Bullock movie, The Blind Side. While I don’t know much about it, it does contain Sandra Bullock and football. So maybe we can’t go wrong.
8. What can I say? The day after Thanksgiving shopping. In the past few years, this has become a family tradition. This is the drill: On Thanksgiving, my girl and I gather all of the area newspapers and pull out the sale papers – lay them all out in front of us. And analyze. Cost compare. Double check with our shopping lists. Map out our path. And go to bed early. Because we must and I mean must, be at Chick-fil-A for breakfast when they open, usually around 6:30 A.M.!! Yes, it is confirmed . . . we are crazy. We know. The key to this whole experience – you have to have a strategic plan. If you don’t, you might as well not go. You’ll just be ill, mean, rude and ugly. You know you’ve seen those people without a plan. Trust me on this one, strategic planning is the key.
9. This year, the entire family is loading up and heading down to the ATL for the big ballgame the Saturday after Thanksgiving – Georgia vs. Georgia Tech. We have a little inter-family rivalry going on so this could get interesting.
10. Family. Togetherness. Blessings. I am so thankful for the people God has allowed in my life. I have absolutely the best husband, children, parents, in-laws, family, sisters, and friends that a girl could hope for. And that truly is what it’s all about.

Happy November to You!

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