This life truly is a celebration - enjoy the journey! I'm a Southern girl who loves to read, cook, travel, tailgate with my family at UGA football games, and shop sales at the Belk. I adore my husband and children and love Jesus! Thanks for joining me here at my little spot on the internet where I chat about all the things.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
I think I'm the Talkative Sort
Late Thursday afternoon we caught a flight out to Orlando. But not before I got detained in Security for the possession of an unidentified liquid. Unidentified? Excuse me? Anybody knows that would be my 3 Minute Miracle. And I really didn't want any ole grumpy Atlanta security personnel to have my Miracle. But apparently, these airport security folks have something to do with Homeland Security which I do know is part of our federal government which I do know can throw you in the slammer for disagreeing with their rules. So I decided not to argue the point that The Miracle is not technically a liquid . . . but a thick gel (not a liquid I repeat). Bottom line, I had to give them my Miracle. But come to think of it, maybe I was the grumpy one. My dear sweet husband had neglected to tell me that because of the brevity of our trip, we would not be checking our bags. We would be carrying everything on. Well, if I had known that I would have brought something smaller than my mega-super size hairspray and mousse. Because I only buy those in the huge cans because if I didn't I would be going every other day to replenish my supply. I can go through some hair products I tell you. So . . . I had already agreed to leave the above-mentioned items in the truck. So, if you are following me here, you realize this means that I am going to Florida (otherwise known as the "The Official State of Heat and Humidity") without my mousse, Miracle or my hair spray. Well, I might as well just wear a bag over my head. D, realizing the severity of this situation, bless his heart, kept saying, "honey, as soon as we get on the ground in Orlando I will find a way to get you some hair products." I had to grin. He knew his chances of a good mini-vacation were vanishing right before his very eyes. Because if there is something that will put a girl in a bad mood in a hurry, it is the fact that she is experiencing less than ideal hair conditions.
Well, once we were on our way, things happened beyond our control - like being 45 minutes late leaving Atlanta, waiting 30 minutes at the airport for our shuttle and then taking a one-hour long tour through the Disney World hotel system before arriving at our hotel, which by the way, was not part of the Disney hotel system and therefore, warranted the very last stop. So, by the time we got to our room, we were tired and hungry. We ordered room service and went to sleep.
But I woke up Friday morning to the fresh realization that I still had no hair products. The way I saw it, I had two options: I could go purchase some ridiculously priced products at the resort's spa (and would still have to leave them because I couldn't get back on the plane with them) or I would have to suck it up and go as is to the food show with D. Realizing you just have to let these kinds of things go sometimes, I did the best I could with the nothing I had, I held my head and hair high and accompanied my husband to the show. By mid-afternoon, he had to go to meetings so we parted ways and I just decided to throw caution to the wind (literally) and sit outside and enjoy the heat and humidity that makes Florida what it is. I made it a priority to forget about my over-egotistical hair problems and enjoy the loveliness of my location. Which, in fact, I most certainly did. I will say, however, no photographs were taken to document this day. So much for my self-sacrifice of ego. :)
That may have been the most ridiculous thing I have ever written. I am ever so sorry.
I've got to tell you something that was so funny to me. We are standing in the Atlanta airport at the gate waiting for our flight to board. The pilot was standing there as well and we just struck up a conversation with him. Sidenote: Pilots are like doctors to me. I swear, some of them don't look like they are even old enough to drive much less hold the monumental jobs of flying commercial airplanes or doing surgery. I must be getting old, that sounds just like something my mother would say. Anyway, we discover even though he's from Orlando, he does bike rides through the north Georgia mountains. D asks him if he's been to Dahlonega; he says he has several times; D says we have a grocery store there; he asks D about the grocery business; D gives him his little assessment of the grocery store business climate; and then he says . . . "I'm thinking about changing jobs and thought I might enjoy working in a grocery store. Do you have a business card?" Is it just me or does that strike you as funny? Here he is a pilot for a major airline but he's thinking he might enjoy the grocery store business (which he admitted, he knows nothing about). Well, go figure. Anyway, we say our goodbyes to him and we are walking down the hallway to the airplane and D turns to me, not a smile on his face and says, "well, he was a talkative sort, wasn't he?" After that entire conversation and all the things he could have said, "a talkative sort?" I just cracked up. This whole scenario just struck me as hilarious. Yes, dear, yes, he was . . . a talkative sort.
That may have been the second most riduculous thing I've ever written.
The original plan was for us to fly back home on Saturday morning. Oh, but we had the most wonderful of unexpected surprises! Thanks to the kindness and generosity of some very special people, we were able to rent a car, drive to Jacksonville, get some tickets and catch a late flight out of Jacksonville on Saturday night. WooHoo - because you know what happened in Jacksonville yesterday. Oh.Yes.We.Did. We went to the Georgia/Florida game!! Yes, the overtime ending was awful - that goes without saying. BUT . . . the time with my husband, the time with our friends and that ballgame atmosphere on 3rd row seats was awesome! Oh my gosh, we had a good time. The new UGA, Bruce was even right in front of us the whole time. I'll share photos later.
And because I'm sure you are dying to know, as soon as we got that rental car we made a bee-line to the nearest Target, which did in fact have those 3 oz. sizes of mousse and hairspray. And all was well with my soul.
But for right now, I gotta go. Since I've been gone, I'm behind on most everything including some work-related projects, housework and laundry. Oh, and tomorrow night is our 2nd Annual Soup Swap Extravaganza for my Monday night Bible study girls here at the house. Yay! We are finishing up the Bible study, "Anointed, Redeemed and Transformed." And can I just say, WOW. What an amazing study. It is just a six week study and boy oh boy, it's a good one.
Happy Halloween!!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Food Friday Fotos
The bat cookie cutter from Michaels.
Thankful Thursday and Food Friday -Together Again
So, since it is in fact, Thursday, let's all decide today, right now, that we will have an attitude of gratitude. To tell you the truth, I haven't had one lately. I got all out of sorts about something yesterday that alot of folks from all over the world would have loved to have been concerned about. Girl, you gotta keep this stuff in perspective I tell you. Things don't always work out like you want them to. Our domain rebels against us (you 5 Aspects Girls know what I'm talking about) but I am determined to remain focused on the blessings instead of the bumps. Sometimes those bumps look like giant mountains but God will always make a way for us to either go over it, around it or through it. I resolve to not allow my circumstances to make me bitter - just better.
So, today I am thankful for several very specific things:
1. I am thankful that my knee pain was not anything other than over extension. There was, as far as I know right now, no permanent damage. I'll just have to be super careful when I exercise and wear a knee brace. Very thankful.
2. That I get to go away for a few days with my husband.
3. That my mom is in such good health.
4. That my son made an 85 on his biology test!
5. That four brides have contacted us in the last week to discuss the planning of their weddings.
Okay, now food . . . hmmm . . . trying to decide what recipe to share today. How about TWO fun ones for Halloween - Monster Munch and Batty Bark! The Monster Munch I have kept in my house for the past month and everyone loves it so much. I've also bagged it up, tied it with raffia and given it as gifts. The Batty Bark is also a great gift for giving or would be too fun for a Halloween party or kid's party at school. Just an idea.
Happy Halloween!
Monster Munch:
1 11 oz. bag regular flavor candy corn
1 11 oz. bag caramel candy corn
1 11 oz. bag chocolate candy corn
1 11 oz. bag caramel apple candy corn
1 12 oz. bag chocolate covered peanuts
2 small cans salted peanuts
1 small can salted cashews
1 19.2 oz. bag M&Ms
Directions: Mix all ingredients together and enjoy!
Batty Bark:
8 oz. milk chocolate, chopped
4 oz. semisweet chocolate, chopped
1 cup crisp rice cereal
¼ cup unsalted sunflower kernels
¼ cup dried cherries, chopped
1. In a microwave, melt milk chocolate and semisweet chocolate; stir until smooth. Stir in the cereal, sunflower kernels and cherries.
2. On a waxed-paper lined baking sheet, spread chocolate mixture into a 12 inch x 9 inch rectangle.
3. Refrigerate until firm.
4. Let stand at room temperature for 10 minutes. Cut with 3 ½ inch bat-shaped cookie cutter.* Re-melt the scraps and cut if desired.
*I found my bat-shaped cookie cutter at Michaels for 99 cents. Yay!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
So I began the process with my husband, who has on several occasions had to provide such a "bio." Well, since he had experience, why didn't he just write it for me. Well, I'll be doggone, if he didn't. Bless him. Granted, I came behind him and tweaked it to my liking, but overall, job well done.
But this whole process got me to thinking. When you ponder writing your bio, you have to reflect on your credentials and accomplishments over the years. So what if instead of my husband writing my bio, God was writing it. Oh, I know. Convicting, right?
What exactly would God say about me? What would He say if He had to give a little introduction about me to the folks up in heaven?
What are my godly accomplishments?
What are my areas of "importance" to Him? I sincerely doubt that it would be that I had this job, or served on that board, or owned this business or was that committee chair?
What activities would He consider important? It certainly would not be what the world considers newsworthy.
Does my life reflect His glory?
Am I leaving a legacy of godliness for my family?
Am I encouraging others to grow in their relationship with Christ?
Am I modeling a godly lifestyle?
Am I inviting others to know Jesus?
Am I speaking words of truth over believers and non-believers?
Am I living out the purpose God has designed for my life and mine alone?
Am I walking in the present - not burdened by my past or fearing the future?
Am I making service to others a priority in my life?
Am I sacrificing my wants and desires for HIS wants and desires?
All valid questions. This whole process has been truly a time of reflection and reevaluation for me. I want the answer to be yes to each and every one of these questions. But, quite frankly, that's not the case. We, as believers, have victories and defeats. Reminds me of that old ABC Wild World of Sports tag line that went "the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat." Well, don't we know it. When we are thrilled to have victory in one area, it seems we are experiencing the agony of defeat in another. But God sees the big picture. He is the Weaver of the Eternal Tapestry. He orchestrates it all for His glory. Praise Him from whom all blessings flow!
I just want to challenge you today to give this some thought, to ponder it in your heart. What would your God-written bio say?
"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body."
2 Corinthians 4:7-10
Saturday, October 23, 2010
There are Turnovers of Two Kinds
2. Last night, D and I got all bundled up, took a picnic and some hot chocolate and headed up to the mountains for an outdoor concert with one of our favorite fellas, John Berry. It was a free concert thanks to the generosity of a local company who just wanted to give back to their community. How nice was that? We sat under the stars and full moon listening to those pure vocals of one very talented man. It was quite the enjoyable evening.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Food for the Soul and Body
"For the word of the Lord is right and true;
He is faithful in all He does;
The Lord loves righteousness and justice,
the earth is full of his unfailing love.
By the word of the Lord were the heavens made,
their starry host by the breath of His mouth.
He gathers the waters of the sea into jars;
He puts the deep into storehouses.
Let all the earth fear the Lord;
let all the people of the word revere Him.
For He spoke and it came to be;
He commanded and it stood firm.
The Lord foils the plans of the nations,
He thwarts the purposes of the peoples.
But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever,
the purposes of His heart through all generations.
We wait in hope for the Lord,
He is our help and our shield.
In Him our hearts rejoice,
for we trust in His holy name.
May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord,
even as we put our hope in you."
Food for the soul to be sure. Now, food for the body. How about a recipe for something sweet, frozen and yummy? This recipe is from the "What's for Supper?" line up this week. I dubbed this week "Pink Week." In honor of October's designation of Breast Cancer Awareness, all recipes were pink or used pink ingredients. This one is a keeper.
Pink Perfection Cranberry Salad
2 3 oz. packages of cream cheese, softened
2 Tbsp. mayonnaise
2 Tbsp. sugar
1 9 oz. can crushed pineapple, drained
16 ounces whole berry cranberry sauce
½ cup chopped pecans or walnuts
½ pint whipping cream
1. Blend cream cheese, mayonnaise and sugar.
2. Add pineapple, cranberry sauce and nuts.
3. Whip cream and fold into mixture.
4. Pour into a mold or loaf pan that has been sprayed with cooking spray. Freeze.
5. To serve, let stand 15 minutes before slicing.
"Taste and see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8
Friday, October 15, 2010
Food Friday on Friday!
Sidenote: When I took some of these to the folks at the radio station on Monday I put them in individual clear bags*, wrote "Happy Fall" on the stick and tied it up with raffia. It made a great festive little treat!
* I keep a supply of small and large corsage bags from the local wholesale florist company for wrapping up my food goodies for giving. They are perfect for such and so much cheaper than the treat bags you buy at the party stores. There is your tip for today . . . no charge. :)
Also, this recipe says it makes 12. I used regular size muffin pans and I got 18 cupcakes.
Caramel Apple Cupcakes
1 box caramel, carrot or spice cake mix (I use caramel)
Ingredients to prepare cake mix
2 cups Granny Smith apples, peeled and chopped
20 caramels
3 Tbsp. milk
1 cup pecans, finely chopped
12 popsicle sticks
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Prepared cake batter according to package directions; fold in apples.
3. Fill 12 greased or paper-lined jumbo muffin cups three-fourths full. Bake for 20 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool for 10 minutes before removing from pans to wire racks to cool completely.
4. In a saucepan, cook the caramels and milk over low heat until smooth. Spread over cupcakes. Sprinkle with pecans.
5. Insert a popsicle stick into the center of each cupcake.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Something to Think About
1. Thinking how walking this morning for an hour made a HUGE difference in my attitude and outlook. I put those earphones on and pushed play on my ipod and away I went. I have quite the eclectic mix of music on my playlist so I thought I would just live on the wild side and hit "shuffle" - I love a surprise. It was no accident that the first words I heard were "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me," courtesy of Chris Tomlin. "Blessed" belted out by Martina McBride was next. After that . . . "The Way He was Raised" by Josh Turner. By this time, I could hardly see through the tears. God must have known I needed a little relief because "Burnin' Love" by Elvis was next. That made me smile.
2. Thinking about how much I'm enjoying my time with my boy. We are getting lots of drive-time together and it is such a good reminder of how much I truly like him. It goes without saying how much I love him but I really like him. What a blessing to be able to really enjoy your children as the young people they have become.
3. Thinking about how putting on the correct clothes for this weather is such a challenge in the morning. I'm convinced that our weather right now is how it will be in heaven everyday. I just know it. But the good news is that in heaven we won't have to decide weather it's too warm for tights, boots, a jacket, or a scarf. I'm not complaining mind you. Just sayin.
4. Thinking about how much I loved the movie "Secretariat." It was so good and not an offensive word, phrase or innuendo in sight. It was uplifting and inspirational. The camera angles of the racing were way cool, the music was great and the acting superb. I love Diane Lane in this movie. And I loved that the real-life Penny Tweedy made a cameo appearance. I think that's so cool when they do that.
5. Thinking about how much I love the new television season. I don't watch many but the few a do watch have not disappointed. Here's my recap on them:
The new Dancing with the Stars I could not be more pleased with. I love Jennifer Grey if for no other reason than that she and I are the same age. If only my legs looked like hers. Wow - very impressive. The Situation even endeared himself to me eventually. But I just can't get past Mrs. Brady doing the "dirty dancing." That is just wrong on so many levels.
Castle. Love this show. It makes me laugh out loud which is really amazing considering it's one of those murder crime solvers shows.
The Biggest Loser. They're mixing it up a little on the Loser this season. I'm liking it.
Parenthood. It's a drama but extremely entertaining in a down-to-earth, not embarrassing, appropriately-handled-family-situation sort of way.
The Big Bang Theory. Honestly, I don't really understand this show but it is extremely well-written and funny.
Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives or Triple D has Guy likes to calls it. Oh.My.Goodness. This may be the best show on the cable channels, definitely on the Food Network. Even better than Paula's show but don't say I said that. Guy Fieri is an interesting character to be sure and the food, oh the food.
Say Yes to the Dress. Well, duh.
6. Thinking about our three generations of Wiley men going to the Georgia game together on Saturday. I love that. And every dawg will have his day because they will officially be "collaring" the new, real life dawg - UGA VIII, Big Bad Bruce. It's a milestone moment.
7. Thinking that's it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month and that I'm so thankful for the precious women I know who have triumphed over this disease. They are strong, strong women who have modeled grace all the while navigating the journey no one wants to take. They are steel magnolias of the faith and give great glory to our Father for their healing.
8. Thinking that in just a little over two months it will be Christmas! Can you believe it? I actually wrote some dates on my calendar today of events that we will be attending in December. I probably should begin planning for gift giving, parties and cooking. Every year I think that if I plan early enough I won't be so rushed and can enjoy the season. That is my goal. Hopefully I'll get closer to achieving it this year.
9. Thinking that I want to go to every fall festival in North Georgia. Too bad I can't convince my husband that this is necessary. Mule Camp (check), Gold Rush, Ellijay Apple Festival, Sorghum Festival in Blairsville, Deep Roots in Milledgeville . . . the list goes on. It just doesn't seem like fall unless you do.
10. Thinking how much I love the fact that Gainesville now has a Michaels and Ulta. Woo.Hoo. I went to Michaels this afternoon and they had exactly what I wanted. I love when I don't have to drive out of our little town to get what I need.
Well, that's all for now. I'm done thinkin' for today.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Food Wednesday
First, let me just tell you about something I had last Friday that was the best thing I've put in my mouth in I really don't know when. I went to Mule Camp Market on the square and could not get to the food section fast enough. You know why? Funnel Cakes. Aww, yes. When was the last time you had a funnel cake? Oh, by the way, I asked that same question to my husband when I got home and you know what he said, "I don't remember ever having a funnel cake." WHAT? Excuse me? Never, ever had a funnel cake? Oh, the injustice of it all. Anyway, it was batter cooked in hot grease covered with powdered sugar. And it could not have been better if Martha Stewart herself had cooked it. I could have licked the paper plate it was served on.
Okay, I gave you the menu for G's birthday and all the fabulous dishes that came out of my kitchen over the weekend. I was in a groove I tell you . . . a groove. I think it's the change in seasons. It makes me want to nest. Do you know what I mean by that? I want to cook, sit by the fireplace (even though it's still too warm for a fire, I just sit by the fireplace and think about having a fire) with a beverage, surrounded by my loved ones, watch movies and football, and read. Oh the joy.
So, just in case you're feeling a little of the same, let me share a few recipes. This first one is Roasted Sweet Potato and Corn Chowder and it makes you just want to kiss your momma I promise. I honestly could hardly stop eating the roasted sweet potatoes before putting them in the soup. They alone were amazing - just sweet potatoes, drizzled in olive oil, sprinkled with salt and roasted in the oven. I plan on making them again just as a side dish for supper.
The second recipe is for Harvest Salad with Red Raspberry Dressing. This dressing is easy to make and has an excellent flavor. I usually don't make salad dressings but I think I'm going to start. It was so fresh and so much better than those out of the bottle.
So gather your family around the table tonight and bless them with some good food. I think you'll be glad you did.
Roasted Sweet Potato and Corn Chowder
2 sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 tablespoon olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 1/2 cups finely diced celery
1 cup diced red onion
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme leaves
3 cups chicken broth
2 cups half and half
2 cans whole kernel corn
1 can creamed-style corn
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon salt
1 white potato, peeled and cubed
2 Tbsp. fresh parsley, chopped
1. Preheat an oven to 425 degrees. Place the sweet potatoes into a 9x13 inch baking dish, drizzle with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and season with salt and pepper. Stir to coat the sweet potatoes in oil.
2. Roast until the sweet potatoes are golden and tender, 15 to 20 minutes. Stir occasionally as they cook so the sweet potatoes cook evenly.
3. Heat the remaining 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Stir in the celery and onion. Cook and stir until the onion has softened, about 5 minutes. Stir in the tomato paste and dried thyme leaves; cook 1 minute more. Pour in the broth, half and half, corn, bay leaf, salt, and cubed white potato.
4. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, then reduce the heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer until the potato is tender, 25 to 35 minutes.
5. Once the potato is tender, remove and discard the bay leaf. Stir in the roasted sweet potatoes and chopped parsley. Return to a simmer and season to taste with salt and pepper before serving.
Harvest Salad with Red Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing
Ingredients for Salad:
1 bag fresh spinach, rinsed and torn into bite-size pieces
2 large stalks of romaine lettuce, rinsed and torn into bite-size pieces
2 Bartlett pears, peeled and sliced
1 cup dried cranberries
1 cup chopped walnuts, roasted
1 cup crumbled feta cheese
1 cup bacon bits
2 tomatoes, diced
½ red onion, thinly sliced
Ingredients for Dressing:
4 Tbsp. red raspberry jam
3 Tbsp. red wine vinegar
2/3 cup olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Arrange walnuts in a single layer on a baking sheet. Toast in oven 5-7 minutes, just until nuts begin to brown.
2. In a large bowl, toss together spinach, romaine, pears, cranberries, walnuts, feta cheese, bacon bits, tomatoes and onion.
3. In a small bowl, whisk together jam, vinegar, oil, salt and pepper.
4. Pour dressing over the salad just before serving and toss to coat.
Monday, October 11, 2010
G's Birthday Rewind!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
It's a Big Birthday!
First of all G, you're welcome for giving birth to you so that you would be 21 today, on 10-10-10! As if I had so much to do with it. :)
My birthday message to my boy:
Dear G,
You are my precious son. I love you more than I could have ever even imagined. You are cherished by your dad and me. You have so much potential in this life. I pray that you would know the purpose God has for you and live in it.
You are smart, funny, easy to talk to and easy to get along with. Your personality is simply a delight to me. You are an amazing young man.
My challenge to you today is this: Be a man of character, integrity and truth. Be a man who prospers through service to others. Be a man who stands for right and wrong. Be a man who loves unconditionally. Be a man of honor. Be a man of God.
I love you to the moon and back,