Friday, August 15, 2014

It's the Big Day before the Big Day

Have a mercy.  It has been a whole week since I blogged.  Not that I haven't thought about it.  I even have a sticky note in my planner that has my blog topics written on it.  Like, you know, I had a plan.  Which I do.  This week has gotten away with me and the main reason for that is it is a Wedding Week, like the week before a big wedding tomorrow.  Which means along with the everyday responsibilities, it seems every spare minute in my mind I am obsessing, mentally checking and rechecking every.last.detail of the Day.  To say that I don't want anything to go awry would be an understatement.  Funny side note:  I just googled the word "awry" to be sure I spelled it correctly and looked at the definition.  Awry means:  to fall apart, unravel or to  fall into disorder. Ah yes, that is exactly what I don't want to happen.  And it won't, I know that.  I tend to be a bit of an over-thinker and so a Wedding Day that You Want to Go Perfect is an over-thinker's nightmare.  As E and I always say, Sunday's Comin.'  It gives double good meaning to that old phrase for a wedding planner.

But Sunday is stacking up to be a busy day.  So I hope I can get this old body up and out the door early for Worship and Sunday School.  I sure don't want to miss.  We won't be in town next Sunday so I really want to be with my "church people" this weekend.  It really makes me happy. 
Sunday afternoon we will celebrate with our dear friends their Daddy's 90th Birthday.  Since Mimi turned 89 last Sunday, I have been reflecting on a long life well lived all week.  It is truly a blessing to have a parent for such a long life.  I am so thankful.
Sunday night is an Inaugural Night of sorts.  D and I, along with three of our best couple friends are starting a new tradition, a Supper Club.  We have talked about what a great idea this would be for years and by golly, we are going to do it.  However, lest you think we are all going to do the traditional go-to-each-others-houses-and-cook-type Supper Club, that may not happen.   We are just going to Supper. Together.  We'll take turns planning the monthly outing and just go enjoy being together.  You just have to be intentional about these things or they just don't happen.  I can hardly wait to be with these precious friends.

And speaking of Inaugural Nights, did you hear the whoop-whoops of excitement coming from the houses last night?  If you had been close to mine you sure would have heard it.  Just in case you aren't immersed in sports, specifically football, you might not be aware that last night at 6:00 the ... drum roll please ... SEC Network premiered!!  There might or might not be a few words of the "Halleluiah Chorus" sang at my house.  Believe you me, it was a BIG night!  We (and by that I mean, my husband) had been counting down the days until this premier. 

And get this ...  for the past few days D had been in Kansas City at a food show.  So yesterday morning he hears that he can get an earlier flight home than expected so he jumped on it.  As he was standing in line to board the plane, his phone rings.  It is our Coke Rep/friend/huge Bulldog fan who says "I've got an extra ticket for the 3:00 Bulldog practice in Athens, can you come? and oh by the way, Matt Stinchcomb (from the SEC Network) will be interviewing Coach Richt while we are there so we'll get to see that too. And it's a party type thing with food and drinks, a couple of talks from the Coaches, it kinda sounds like something you might enjoy."    Are you kidding?  D could have flown home without the plane.  As soon as his feet hit the Georgia clay, he changed clothes and made a bee-line to Athens.  To say that he was over-the-moon excited when he got home last night would be an understatement.  So pretty much, he had   You know, I just had to smile.  My husband works hard, long, long days.  His job comes with much responsibility and stress.  He has a lot to juggle.  So when a little fun unexpected something comes along to break up an otherwise stressful week for him, this wife was extremely thankful.  I truly believe it was no coincidence that he was able to get an earlier flight.  I believe our good God knew what he needed.  As He always does.

So today and tomorrow will be hectic but oh so fun.  I have had the pleasure of watching this precious bride grow from a girl to a woman, and now a wife.  I'll be honest, these are my favorite weddings.  Having a history with the family makes a Wedding Day oh so much sweeter.  So much love to Erin and Will!  Your Big Day is going to be Wonderful! 

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