Monday, September 21, 2009

Great Weekend and . . . It's Bible Study Day!

What a great weekend! The past three days have each held something meaningful and fun. Friday was the shopping trip to the Hearts and Hands Emporium. It was great! There seemed to be a great response so hopefully lots of money was raised for a good cause. I got the cutest rain coat. I haven’t had a need for a rain coat for the past several years as we have hardly seen enough rain to fill a bucket. But since it has rained cats and dogs for the past week and the forecast is for more, I thought I could justify it. Oooh, is it ever cute – polka dots! And I do love me some polka dots! Then Friday night was a much anticipated high school game between two rival schools. I sat with my girl, her hubby and his parents. His mom and I talked so much that we were suddenly surprised to learn that one team was winning by a landslide. D was allowed to stay on the field to watch the game from the sidelines so he came home feeling like a rock star!

Saturday flew by as I was on retreat up in the mountains. So meaningful but I will share more about that another day. And, of course, that day was topped off with a big cherry when Georgia beat Arkansas. Now, that was a great game. Joe Cox seems to be getting the hang of that whole quarterback thing. And yesterday, well that was Bridal Show day. Just a side note: my husband went to the Falcon’s game yesterday. So for him three days = three football games. High school on Friday; college on Saturday (via ESPN); and professional on Sunday. It was a good football weekend for him. Anyway, back to my Sunday. As Emily and I were driving those winding roads in the pouring rain, she said, “Mom, if I were a bride-to-be today, even I wouldn’t come out in this weather.” I was thinking the same thing. This was the absolute perfect day for staying home, putting on your sweats and taking a long Sunday afternoon nap - the perfect day. But sure enough, here they came, pouring rain and all. The R Ranch is a beautiful facility tucked high, and I mean high, in the mountains. The clouds were lying on the tops of these mountains. Just gorgeous! We met the sweetest girls (and guys). I’m always impressed when the future groom comes along. You know you’ve got you a good one when they are interested in flowers, cake, dresses and planners. I think they like the caterers the best but that’s okay. Whew, what a weekend!

Today – yeah! It’s Bible study day! For the past several years, I have been blessed to facilitate a Bible study in my home on Monday evenings. We usually do a fall study and a spring study depending on how the schedule works out. We are getting a late start this time for various reasons. Over the summer we met together to watch Beth Moore’s series “Wising Up” based on the book of Proverbs. So good! The topics are so relevant to our lives with lots of practical application. And a great study for the summer as there is no homework required.
Tonight is the beginning of our fall study, “A Woman after God’s Own Heart” by Elizabeth George. The title references David – “a man after God’s own heart.” (1 Samuel 13:14). David was that and more. He was a shepherd, poet, giant-killer, ancestor of Jesus and one of the greatest men in the Old Testament. Before you think that you can’t achieve that kind of status, I challenge you to read up a little on David. His story is told in 1 Samuel 16 – 1 Kings 2. As you may know, he was also a betrayer, liar, adulterer and murderer. Yet, in Acts 13:22 the Word says, “After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.” Wouldn’t we just love to hear those words spoken about us from our Savior?
You know I love a fresh start so I am super excited about tonight! We’ll watch the introduction and have some great discussion. We’ll gather around the table for food and fellowship at the beginning and then end our evening by joining our hearts and hands around the ottoman in my living room for prayer. It’s a good day indeed.

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