Saturday night late, E and her hubby came to the house after attending a wedding here in town. They didn’t want to drive home and then back early Sunday morning so they spent the night. That meant that I had all of my children under my roof Saturday night. And that brings me much joy.
I didn’t really have adequate time to enjoy it as that ridiculous handbell director I live with made us be at church at 8:00 on Sunday morning. Which by the way reminds me that one of these years I want to attend the sunrise service on Easter morning. The fact that it starts at sunrise is the only thing standing in my way.
Anyway by 9:30, the handbell prelude had been played and as I walked down off that platform and to our pew, I could have just cried. Sitting there were four of the most amazing and beautiful young people I have ever seen. Just look for yourself.
They really didn't plan the matching outfits, it just happened that way. I couldn't have planned that better if I'd done it myself. :)
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